Something to do!!!!

Jul 09, 2006 00:10

A - Available: very single...
A - Age: 24
A - Annoyance: stupid people

B - Best Friend: I don't have any best friends...
B - Bad Habit: biting my nails
B - Birthday: May 3

C - Crush: none at this moment.... (guys here S-U-C-K-S!!!)
C - Cats: one,my beloved cat!!
C - Car: 98 Hyundai Elantra
D - Dead Pets Name: Jade,Tusc,Breve,Lilly(cats), Bear,Clancy,Ally,Cobbster(dogs) Buddy(hamseter) Dusty(rabbit)
D - Desk Top Picture: none
D - Dogs: If count my parents' dogs, Daisy and Sophie

E - Easiest person to talk to: my dear mom!!
E - Eggs: scambled
E - Email: yahoo

F - Favorite colors: green
F - Food: everything!
F - Fun Swear Word: damn

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms
G - God: Wonderful
G - Good Times: Too many to list

H - Hair Color: brown
H - Height: 5'4"
H - Happy: yes

I - Ice Cream: cookie dough
I - In school?: nope
I - Idiots?: just about every other 3rd person is an idiot!  (got to agree with Jessica!!)

J - Jewelry: everything, I have too many of them!!
J - Job: am working at Deaf Services but I am looking for another job.
J - Jokes: Knock,Knock

K - Kids: am not sure if I want to have children... wait and see!!!
K - Karate: eh
K - Kung fu: eh

L - Longest Car Ride: when I was moving to South Dakota... It was a very long ride from Ohio to South Dakota!!
L - Longest relationship: 4 months... yeah, pathetic??
L - Last phone call: my sister

M - Milk Flavor: skim
M - Movie Last Watched: Last Season of Friends, (was on the plane from Alaska!)
M - MILFS?: mother in law what??

N - Number of Siblings: 3
N - Eastwood or Southern Park Mall: never heard of these malls...
N - Name:Alexis

O - One Phobia: toronados
O - Open About yourself?: pretty much
O - Orchestra?: was in few

P - Parents: Leslie and David
P - Part of your jerking: being a bitch?
P - Part of your personality you like best: my sense of humor

R - Reality TV Shows: Hell's Kitchen
R - Right or Left: Lefty
R - Right now: doing this!

S - Song Last Heard: no idea!
S - Season: Spring and Fall
S - Sport: hockey

T - Time you woke up: 7:45am
T - Time Now: 12:23am
T - Time for bed: on weekdays, between 10pm and 11pm

U - Unknown Fact about me: I am not sure if I should tell you this..... ;)
U - Unicorn: Dreamt of owning one when I was a young girl!
U - You are: tired!

V - Vegetable you hate: lima beans
V - Vegetable you love: I love most!!
V - Voice: Figure out for my next desination!!!

W - Worst Habits: same as bad habits...
W - Where are you going to travel next?: LAS VEGAS, baby!!!
W - Where were you born?: Where I am in right now...
X - X-rated: no
X - girlfriend: no, am aiming for guys.. sorry!  
X - extra: MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!

Y - Year you were born: 1982
Y - Year it is now: 2006.
Y - Yellow: flowers

Z - Zoo Animals: caribou, moose, (saw them when I was at Alaska Zoo!!)
Z - Zodiac: T-A-U-R-U-S!!!!
zooander: Huh??
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