Smallville 8x10 - Picspam

Sep 22, 2009 17:40

- I wanted to post this yesterday but I didn´t have time because I have had a lot of homework and school stuff :(.

- For challenge 12 @ picspammy and for September Picspam Challenge @
smallville (it is like killing two birds with one stone).

- So I decided to make this picspam because I really like this episode, it is my favorite one from season 8 and the colors are amazing I enjoy everything from this episode. Chloe looked so beautiful, I love her wedding dress and the way her hair was.

- Color focus: Autumn Colors

-I hope you like it :). 



Lois: "Marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy"

Smallville Premieres this Friday 25th at 8 on The CW

Only 2 days YAY! :D

- Resources
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- Enjoy♥ and comment ;)

smallville, *picspam

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