-his kiss is unbelievable, his t0uch is unf0rgetable, but my l0ve f0r him is undeniable-

Oct 25, 2003 01:25

*since the first time y0u ran y0ur fingers thr0ugh my hair, since the first time 0ur hands became 0ne, since the first time y0ur kisses t00k away my pain.. I knew I'd never be the same*

I can't remember what all happened this week! 0bvi0usly nuttin imp0rtant.

Wednesday & Thursday, we were in the library in Hist0ry w0rking 0n writing 0ur papers [that are due m0nday]

Friday: In bi0l0gy, we t00k a test & g0t DNA 0utta a strawberry. I had fun d0in that. hist0ry we t00k n0tes [that's all we've been d0in l8ly]In ge0metry, we t00k a test.. I made a 85.. he made us all get em signed b/c the grades were s0 bad! [and if ppl d0n't get em signed, he's callin h0me] parenting was cut sh0rt b/c 0f the pep rally. I made a 70 on my chapter test.. [well she didn't have the essay's graded yet]

At the pep rally, we really w0n the spirt stick but they cheated & gave it 2 the freshman.. I dun0 why.. afterall they didn't yell @ all.. [and n0t f0r l0ng @ all] They'll get the hang 0f it s00n enuf th0. I kn0w we sure did last yr.

After sch00l, I came here ate & t00k a sh0wer. I was planning 0n takin a nap but I was t00 awake. After I was all ready, we g0t Meg & st0pped by the rite-aid we were l00kin f0r silly string b/c Ricky & Adam had it & put it all 0ver her. We f0und hair dye & were b0ut t0 get that.. but realized what it was. s0 we just ended up gettin gum.
Ricky g0t t0 play in the game.. we beat Th0mas Walker [19-13]
after the game, we went t0 the l0ck-in. I had a 0ver all g00d time. I g0t kinda sick there @ 1st but I was 0k. I didn't really eat anything th0 b/c I didn't wanna thr0w up. After the dance was 0ver, we went upstairs t0 watch the talent sh0w & the b-ball t0urnament. During the t0urnament, ppl c0uld g0 watch m0vies 0r watch the game. We watched s0me 0f the game & decided t0 g0 watch s0me m0vies. Fal & Meg g0t really l0ud @ the d00r b/c they were fightin s0 Ms. Hicks basically t0ld us t0 0g back t0 the gym. I laid 0n Ricky basically all night. I ended up fallin asleep 0n him f0r a lil while.. which didn't last t0 l0ng b/c I either had Fal h0llering b/c she was gettin tickled 0r Meg yellin @ Fal f0r pickin 0n her 0r r0bert talkin. b0ut 5:40, we went t0 the cafe t0 eat biscuits. After we ate we headed h0me.

We g0t h0me b0ut 10 after 6 & I went t0 bed. I didn't get back up til b0ut 1:30. I g0t ready & went 0ut w/ m0m. We g0t 0ur allergy sh0ts, went t0 the gr0cery st0re, g0t me s0mething t0 eat & picked up my pics. We were plannin 0n g0in sh0ppin but it was gettin late & I was gettin tired. When we g0t h0me, I just laid r0und & watched s0me tv.

I g0t 0n here & t0ld amb0 all b0ut my night. Tara & I talked. We haven't really talked in f0rever! It was nice gettin t0 talk t0 her & reminacing ab0ut all the crazy things we used t0 d0 t0gether.

I'm gettin tired again s0 I think I'm g0in end this l0ng entry & head 0ff t0 bed n0w-- leave me s0me c0mments!! [WHERE ARE THEY?]
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