AAAHH! The ending just killed me. As did the previews for next week. OMG, is Sloan going to have to save them all, as he was the one shouting for them to get out of there?! And they clearly didn't, as evidenced by the dropping like flies to the floor! AAAHH!
The proposals totally took me by surprise, too. I have my theories about who'll accept and who won't, but I'll keep them to myself for now. As much as I love and adore George, I think he might have jumped the shark just a teensy bit.
Bailey completely rocked, but then again, she usually does. I loved her taking Burke, Derek, Addison, and Sloan to task. "Because I need something to believe the way I used to believe in you four." *chants Bailey for chief* And how cute were they, looking like naughty children sitting and waiting outside the principal's office to be punished? Though by that point, they were mostly pouting. ;))
I really, really think next week is going to kill me ded. Gah! *waits in impatient anticipation*
In RL news, the furnace was fixable and fixed, our pockets are much lighter, as is my hair, and I'd really, really like to stop waking up in a foul mood. Fixating on things I have no control over until I become extremely cranky just puts a damper on the whole day.