
Apr 14, 2007 13:30

I've got a new, beautiful LJ layout.  It's seriously spiffy.  And it wasn't a complete bitch to install like my last one.

But now I need a new friends-only banner.  Oh well.  That's a job for another day.

And now, to further my procrastination, I will take every survey I can find.  Arggg, I don't want to finish that screenplay.

Color Survey

Blue is love

1. Do you love someone[friend/boyfriend/girlfriend]?:
Family and friends, yes.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight?:
Nah.  At first sight, it's just lust.

3. Do you believe in love?

Red is anger

1. Are you currently mad at someone?:
Not really.

2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?:
Hah.  I don't remember.  I probably have.

4. Is anyone mad at you?:
Not that I know of.

5. Are you usually mad?:
Nah, it takes a lot to make me mad.

6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?:
Stare angrily.

Yellow is Self Discovery

1. Name: Kathie

2. Birthday: July 15th

3. What's your main goal in life?: To be happy.

4. Do you want to have children?: Probably.

5. When do you want to die?: when it's my time to.

Orange is excitement

1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?: No...

2. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?: what am I going to do with so much money? 0.o

3. If you could have anything right now what would it be?: someone to talk to, because I'm sooo bored.

Green is Opinions.

1. Are you against gay marriage?:

2. Lower the drinking age?:
It's probably a good idea.. people under 21 drink anyway...

3. Abortion?:
Pro-choice, thank you.

4. Jesus?:
Meh, no opinion.

Purple is Q and A

Q: how many beds did you lay in today?
A: One.

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?
A: Blue

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A: Listen to my ipod

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: $.15

Q: Is Tom on your friends list?
A: No.

Q: Look to your left.
A: umm. why?

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
A: gmail, facebook, LJ.

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: Nope.

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: Not really.

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
A: Wednesday night

Pink is last

1. Movie watched in cinema:

2. Song you listened to?:
100 years- five for fighting

3. Person you talked on the phone with:
john + igor

Gray is today

1. What are you doing tonight?

2. What are you going to eat?:
nooo clue

Brown is for tommorow

1. Is: a sunday

2. Are you Looking forward to it?:
not really... boringness.

3. Are you going to laugh?:
who knows?

Me from A to Z

A is for age: 17

B is for beer of choice: eww, beer.

C is for career right now: student, yay.

D is for your dog's name: don't have a dog.

E is for essential item you use everyday: glasses!

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: grey's anatomy.

G is for favorite game: soccer

H is for home town: medford <3

I is for instruments you've played/play: played- violin.  play- handbells.

J is for favorite juice: pineapple

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: hm. can't think of anybody.

L is for the last restaurant you ate at: friendly's.

M is for marriage: not anytime soon.

N is for your full name: Kathleen

O is for overnight hospital stays: thankfully, never had one.

P is for people you were with today: parents. x.x

Q is for quote: ack, I don't feel like getting out my quotebook..

R is for biggest regret/mistake: umm. can't think of one.

S is for status: single. oh well :)

T is for time you woke up today: woke up around 8 ish, but went back to sleep until 11 because I was bored. xD

U is for the underwear your wearing right now: blue.

V is for vegetables you love: umm. beans, broccoli, corn, carrots, peas.

W is for you worst habit: being stubborn/impatient/whiny.

X is for x-rays you've had: teeth.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: blueberry muffin.

Z is for zodiac sign: cancer.

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