Boring Day.

Mar 28, 2007 18:22

Yeah, nothing special about today.  Not like I'm complaining, however.

I don't really have much to say.... I'm posting for the sake of posting. xD So I'm going to take a blast into the past and use the format I used to use in my posts last year.

My mom woke me up this morning.  I went to bed around one last night because I was up reading, and then decided to ignore my alarm.  I definitely have senioritis, because every single morning I think about just not going to school.  ^^ Well, I went to school anyway.

Boring, for the most part.  Didn't ring any new songs.  But when we went to ring an old song, I was standing in my place with all my bells set up and all of a sudden this girl (who will go unnamed, because previously I had thought she was a nice person) comes up and tells me I'm in her spot.  No.. I tell her, this is definitely my spot.  She flips to the sheet that has all our spots written on it and I see that she scribbled out some stuff and switched our spots by hand.  Something about Poesy saying she could ring there because I was absent one day. 0.o Uhm.  I was a little annoyed, but switched to her crappy chime part with no complaint.  I want my spot back, but I'm not willing to be a bitch and make a big deal out of it.

Talked about Razor's Edge.  Half the stuff he was saying didn't make sense to me.  I stopped taking notes.  I thought Val was still taking notes, and then I saw that she was just doodling. XD

Got back our tests... I got an 80.  Ironically, I got all the parts I thought I would get wrong right, and all the parts I thought were perfect wrong... go figure. ^^  It did bring my grade down two points... sad.  We started talking about imaginary numbers and got a ton of homework to review.  Blehhh.

I hate gym. x.x Argggg.  But today wasn't so bad.  We went outside and walked around the track- I walked with Durba for a while before she had to go in.  We talked about prom and college (hahaha, do we ever talk about anything else?).

Just lunch... too short, as usual.  I keep forgetting to make my lunch in the morning. x.x But I've actually discovered I'm not a big fan of lunch- I'd much rather skip lunch and eat something small when I get home, then have dinner a little later.  Anyway, we talked about Darrian's university, with Advanced Fangirling classes and other random things. xD

Molloy was actually there. x.x So we took notes off of the overhead on different types of therapies.  It wasn't very interesting.

Donato wasn't there, so we went to the media center and "did research".  For most people, that involved screwing around.  I didn't work on my novel, but worked on my screenplay... which is a more pressing matter (16/100 pages done) because it's due next Thursday.  I think it sounds retarded and I hate the plot, but there isn't much I can do about that.  If Kemery complains about how stupidly unrealistic it is, I'm just going to tell him that I can only have one good idea at a time.

Creative Writing:
Tried to go down to the computer lab and work on our screenplay, but both the lab and the media center were taken.  I wonder why Kemery just doesn't reserve the space instead of just randomly showing up.  So we went back to the room, where I took a nap.  Oh yes- there's this girl in my class who says she writes better when she's sitting next to me. XD Aw.  She's so nice.  We decided to compete and see who could get more done, since right now we both have around the same amount of pages.  I think I might fall behind tonight though... forgot to email what I'd written to myself so I can't work on it tonight.

No college mail today.  I'm just waiting for Ursinus now, and it's annoying me.

I got home and went straight to bed for a nap... I was so tired.  Slept until around six and then got up to find something to eat.  My mom is being especially nice to me; she got me a pretzel from BJ's and is now starting to clean the guinea pig's cage.

And- the good news of the night- Lost is on tonight, yippee.  So now I'm off to get all my homework done so I can watch it later. ^^
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