Dec 17, 2005 02:15
oh god, i've never been drunker in my life. and look at that. I haven't mispelled a word yet. oh yeah baby
some of the quotes from the night:
“Am I doing an interperative dance?” -Stef
“I want to go to my boyfriend’s bed, cus I want to sleep with the babies.” David
Stef just made up a song about Johnny, who just said "I really want some bread" --Stef and Donni combined
"y'know, the last time i threw up... it's cus of nerves...." Me... telling the bread my story
"So we were driving, and Paris was like "Go straight.. go straight... go straight..." and we were like what the fuck? and she was like "Go straight... go straight..." -Dave, drunken stories
"Saida Hamna Cheesa Sandwich" --Donni
"You need to drink that down, even if it tastes like whore bag!" --stef
“Because the alcohol made your subsebsible…sub…whats that word? Oh cuz your suscesptible-ness made you more high."