Feb 10, 2008 15:50
I'm home alone, like normal, and bored out of my mind, like normal. Life is confusing. Relationships are nerve racking. The current situation is fun and pleasing, but also lacking. However, I am unsure whether its lacking is for the better or for the worse. I've gotten back into my swing of going to as many shows as I can find. I go to the bars with the local bands blazing and mostly mind my own business, a few conversations here and there, a friend I'm with quiet and diving head on into the stream of wonderful-ness coming from the stage right along with me. I stay up late, work in the morning or not. I put off just about everything until the last possible minute. Even showers which aren't taken until around 2 or 3 am when I'm ready to fall over. My cat whines for his food for a good half hour before I finally get annoyed enough to feed him. I don't eat until my stomach is so empty its beginning to eat itself. I don't put gas in my car until I actually have a real fear of running out within the next couple miles. But I read, all the time. And that I have missed. I am actually happy to have a class to go to on Fridays. It makes me feel a little less like a dissapointment. College degrees do nothing in an economy like this. The urge to move out of state is worse now. Job, money. I don't mind working. I hate money.