EEEK lectic topics

Jan 05, 2004 08:44

This window is supposed to be reserved for "events" but the idea of having a restricted journal doesn't make sense to me. This morning I realized that my dreams are low budget. When I say dream, I dont mean wish-- I mean images while sleeping. Not to confuse. The dream involved my suburban white picket fence neighborhood turning into a criminal gang zone. I was out near my driveway changing a lamp post bulb when a group of leather clad Rumble in The Bronx type assholes approach me laughing and throwing cigarette butts in my face. Only they're not riding nice harleys, dirt bikes or speed motorcycles. They're riding loud cheesy, really dinky mopeds that are practically falling apart and trying to run me over. Now you know what I mean by low budget? So they're chasing me and a bunch of other insignificant shit happens but it's not really worth wasting your time. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\
maya paraphrasing cnn news:
"...Another confirmed video tape of Osama Bin Laden who crawled out of his hole with yet another message of violence for his followers..."
Do they say that on Aljazeera whenever Bush gives a speech or a Lieutenant makes a tactical statement? errr not that I'm defending Jihad at all, it's just interesting. eventually I'll start to regret all the unnessesary deaths, feel responsible for the innocent casualties like I did when I was an 8th grader reading about WWI and Hiroshima/Nagasaki and Vietnam. Maybe I'm desensitized, maybe I'm not so sympathetic and one dimensional anymore, I'm definitely wrong and a lot stupider. woah, I didn't think i'd turn political here, I haven't in a while. Has the conspirational brainwashing officially worked?
to this I say:
at the end of a sneeze comes snot full of sodIUM
at the end of an ejaculation comes sperm full of potassIUM
no matter how you put it, there's always a YUM to reward all taste testers.
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