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Comments 6

lama_not_llama February 15 2012, 09:50:25 UTC
Yay VM!

And awww Wade/Zoe made it to no.10. They are a new 'ship that I am really cheering for.

I miss Matt/Julie (more Matt than Julie really, lol) from FNL! Okay and the rest of the FNL cast too. Clear hearts!


alee23 February 15 2012, 10:17:38 UTC
Hehehe are you actually surprised?

I love them! Their bickering is so amusing!

Definitely miss Matty and I guess they're a package deal. LOL. Can't Lose!


lama_not_llama February 15 2012, 11:39:12 UTC
I think I would be flabbergasted if they weren't number1! I hope that no one ever bumps them off the top.

Wade/Zoe is deinitely more fun than George/Zoe. And Wade is just That. Much.Hotter. lol

They are only now starting to play FNL here on a decent time and channel (previously they'd done the first 2 seasons but at a midnight hour hidden away so no one really picked it up). So it should be interesting to see how everyone gets hooked on it!


alee23 February 16 2012, 11:04:46 UTC
Me too!

I'm a sucker for snark. :D

It was on Foxtel but they've started playing it on one of the ABC digital channels on a Friday night and a lot of the Sunday paper tv guides list is as a highlight so I guess it's a case of better later than never when it comes to recognition for the show.


havemy_heart February 15 2012, 16:26:41 UTC
Yay! L/V is still #1 :D

I love Zoe and Wade. Their banter makes the show for me.

Also love Cappie/Casey and Damon/Elena. I liked Matt/Julie in earlier seasons, but I guess I just lost interest in them as a couple. They're still pretty to look at :D


alee23 February 16 2012, 11:09:14 UTC
It will be a very sad day when they're not #1!

Me too! I love them being all snarky and grown up version of chasing the girl around the playground and pulling on her pigtails. LOL

I miss CC! MJ are very pretty to look at. She's far from perfect but Matty's it for her. :)


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