Jun 10, 2012 09:48

Under the cut you'll find two huge spoilers for the upcoming part of Moonbeam Trail.

One is a picture of someone I know you all want to meet already, and probably doesn't spoil much for the story, but the other one is precisely about something I'm planning to do with the plot (and wouldn't mind another opinion), but don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone who might prefer waiting until the update is done.

So again, there's a big story/plot spoiler under the cut, so click at your own risk!!

First spoiler:

Blossom finally had Oberon's baby! A Red Haired baby! YAY!

Oh yes, the Summerdream were there too...



Both with red hair, and actually both girls (I just reverted to the other baby outfit for the birth, tho I'll have to go back to the pink one, it seems! lol)

Now, like I mentioned before (or least mentioned to a few of you in the last post), I really wanted to be sure that Oberon's baby had pointy ears too, so I made a backup up of the game before the birth JIC, and after saving at this point, the girls were aged up very quickly.

Behold... Obelia (in orange) and Obea (in red)

Both have pointy ears too ^_^  Aren't they cute!!

And I was already on it, so they aged a bit more too... you know, just to see! :P

Obelia is Aquarium and has a very balanced personality (don't remember the exact points, but were mostly at the middle). She does not have the straight eyebrows that most (or all?) Summerdream have, tho.

Obea is Libra but is actually very outgoing and playful. She has all the Summerdream features.

I did NOT save this part, so the game it's still right after the babies' birth, but I'm keeping these girls for sure, so there's no need to replay (reason why I did the extra backup right before, but it won't be needed)

Now, you could say that maybe these two girls are very much alike, and I could had tried getting a S4 baby with Oberon too (or a boy to have a pair), but true is, it's actually even better if both have similar genetics, because I'm seriously considering letting the Summerdream keep one of them...



And that's the other spoiler.

I think it'd wrap the plot with the Summerdream very well and makes the most sense to me, but in the other hand, Blossom carrying with twins now too will certainly be interesting.

So what do you think??
(please don't vote if you haven't read Part V Veronaville or you may misunderstand the context)


And if so (jic, you can vote here even if you voted "no" before)


Remember Obea has a stronger personality and all perfectly elfy/fairy features, so she'd fit right in the Summerdream household, but for the same reason she'd add her exotic touch and lively personality to Blossom's clan.

Obelia instead, has a softer personality and after everything they have been thru, maybe the Summerdream would like to keep her to give her better chances. With Blossom, tho loved as much, she would still have to deal with another 4+ kids and maybe get lost in the crowd, but, in the other hand, precisely because she doesn't have all Oberon's features she may look and feel less out of place with the Moonbeam bunch.

Decisions, decisions, decisions....
Very Hard decisions.... :P

moonbeam trail, extras, spoilers, moonbeam

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