The Big Sim - Day 13

Oct 28, 2011 13:27

Unnecessary amount of pics and details about everything that can possibly happen in a day.
Not a story
Hairy sims.

Quick reminder of who's still in the game! (We lost Rainelle on the last elimination, and had John and Sharla on risk of elimination at the end of the day.)

The day started like any other, but you could see that all the time, stress, fights and eliminations were taking its toll in those still in the competition.

The fridge was empty,

and the only thing for breakfast were some leftovers and the fruit they collected from the trees.

The ate quietly,

cleaned up fast,

and gathered in the living room early for that day's elimination.

Sharla was the one to go that morning.

(I noticed that after the fight between Tina and Beau even their chemistry went down the drain!! It was never much, but now it's bad!)

Sharla made good friends on her time in the house and will be missed.

Bye, bye Sharla. <3 <3
 (sad to see her go, but thanks to everyone who voted on the last poll!)

Then it was time to see how the cold was affecting the plants outside,

but unfortunately it seemed pretty bad and only a few were rescued.

Hard to believe that it has come down to these five. What it's expecting for them now...??

Strangely, there was nothing now in the activities room that day,

but as they were walking back inside....

someone was coming to pick them up and take them to the AIRPORT!


Beau and Frances wonder where would they be going.... Tina wonders WHY DO THEY HAVE TO GO TOO!!  ARG!!!

They were going somewhere far,

probably farther than they imagined ;)

Takemizu Village!!

And they will be staying in these huge place just for them!

Let's check it out!


Skilling corner


Two of the same, but NO DOUBLE BEDS!! and there are only four beds in total XD (mean!)

One bathroom by the rooms.

And a small terrace outside one of the rooms.

Living area:

Kitchen and dinning

and small bath by it.

And Outdoors:

OK, so let's go back to our final five...

It was a long travel, so some had needs to take care of in the bathroom,

and a change of cloths was appropriate too,

(Tina has that mad face all the time, especially when Beau and/or Frances are close. It's understandable, though! :P)

Some took the "Asian" theme a bit too literally, tho,

but at the end, everyone was wearing something comfortable and fresher for the spring weather.

They didn't know if they were supposed to be doing anything specific that day,

so after a while just hanging around without doing much

they went out for a walk around the Village.

The first place they visited was the Zen Garden.

and they all found their own ways to entertain themselves...

Until Tina decided that they all should take a tour...

.... which turned out to be AWFUL!!

and only made them come back in a terrible MOOD!!

well... sort of ! :P

These two can't care less about the bad tour, probably they didn't even see anything else but each other, anyways! XD

But the others were desperately looking for fun things to do

and maybe something to eat too.

(well, Tina is over Beau now, but all over John, who doesn't seem to care much about her :P)


Even John was getting all moody after a while, so it was time to leave ...

Carlos couldn't even finish eating,

and by the time they reached home, it was already getting dark,

and no one was feeling too good, tbh.

They were bored, tired and dirty

and Tina didn't even want to have a coffee in the same table with Beau (who totally noticed!! LOL)

Carlos was trying to calm her down, after all the competition is almost over, but she's just sick of it all

and with good reason... (and I think they are all a bit sick of it! :P)

The rest of the evening was rather calm

John was the first going to sleep,

and the other four staid up a bit longer.

Beau was trying to at least get along better with Tina , but I'd say it's too late for that now.

and then ... I can't even explain this.

I guess they just were hyper with the coffee XD

but eventually everyone went to sleep,

tho Tina had to take the couch.

And that was for the 13th day. It had been a long road so far, who much longer would this take??

Not much, because I'm getting tired of it too!!  XD

But this is getting seriously difficult now. With only five left it's very hard to decide who must be leave next, and even worse when, for the most part, they all get along pretty well with each other.

See what I mean...

Beau has an awesome personality and always seemed to get along nicely with everyone, so has very high relationship with the group, but never got too close with John and the problem with Tina may cost it him his space in the competition. If he would have to vote someone out, atm, he would vote for John, not Tina, because he still cares for her, even tho she could vote him out.

Carlos doesn't seem to be too liked by players in general (I mean US!), but he has pleasantly surprised me during the game, and he is friends with everyone in the house (with 1 Best Friend and 2 BFFs. in total).  His weakest relationship is with Tina, so if he would have to vote her out, but his relationship with Beau seems to be lowering, while getting closer to Tina, so it would be a hard decision. Also, he has no problems with anyone either, so that should put him in a very good position in the game.

Frances started very slow, but he's a fan's favorite for a reason!! By now, he has the best relationships in the house, so he should be in the lead, but unfortunately carries Tina's grudge on his back which gives him one point against. If he would have to vote someone out, it would be a very tough decision to make, but I think he would have to vote Carlos out, unless he gets really cold-hearted and decides it's time to let Tina go. Hard to say, was he really friends with Tina? or was just a a very tricky move to get close to Beau!!?

John has captured our hearts, and was doing very well at the beginning, but had been progressively decaying lately. Was it Allegra leaving? or did the game simply got too tedious for him?  He doesn't have much friends left in the house, and never got along that well with Tina or Beau, so now he may have both their votes against him. If has to vote, I'm not sure who'd he pick either. His relationship with Tina is slighter lower than with Beau, but they have chem, and she's the only girl left. I'm pretty sure John, at least, appreciates that :P

Tina wasn't doing bad until Beau decided to screw up with Frances, so now she's pissed at both of them, and only seems to be getting along with Carlos, but just barely. If she would have to vote, I'm not sure who would she vote for. According to her panel she never cared much for John, but she had been heartfarting for him a lot, and considering the current situation I'm pretty sure she would vote for Frances or Beau instead. But who? It can only be one.

So, here is another Poll

In the first question please keep in mind the score and notes posted above and pick TWO sims you think DESERVE to stay (not just your favorite)

In the second part, tell who's your personal favorite regardless of how they are doing. (just one)


Vote fairly and wisely. More than one sim could be leaving for the next update. (it will depend if I want to play an extra day or not)

Thanks for reading!!

Continue to Day 14

And thanks so much for all the comments in the makeover of the Specter House. <3
Hope everyone have a great weekend and a fun Halloween if you celebrate.

Cheers! :D

big sim, nonstory:big sim

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