As I said before some time ago I entirely recreated Strangetown in 'the past', actually I even made two different times frames in some households.
I was trying to actually replay the town's time-line on a story, which is a headache because the timing are awfully off, but still is a just a game and it gives for some creative adjustments, so anyways... I used the game original pictures for the sims styles and households, at least when possible. Also most of the sims are clones, even the long gone death ones, with the few exception that aren't recuperable like Glarn Curious (tho at this moment I can't remember exactly which sims I created in CAS and whiche ones were cloned)
It was incredible fun to do...
Lets start going farther back with Grunts ... Tho this is not really as the household ever was, just something cute to show
All three children as toddlres... (don't think they need to be named )
now going .. really far back ... here is Buzz as kid with His parents ...
There's no reference of where Buzz lived while growing up, so I just assumed they lived in the same house
General Chip Grunt and his wife Missy
and ... well ... we all know ths lit' adorable one ....
It was a blast when doing the Specter household.
Lerato and Peponi Muenda
with both their daughters, Willow and Olive
Here's is Willow getting engage with Creon Nigmos
I also brought back all of Olive's love death ones...
At some point I had Ophelia and her parents (willow/Creon) and a toddler Nervous with Olive, but never got to play the families as such, (for story line,and because I dropped the game before I could actually reach this point), and the DNA wasn't entirely correct in these groups either so i didn't keep much images, but here is old dear Nervous....
Salamis (Circe)
Xanthos and Grainne Salamis (who in my game were Doc and Nurse ...)
and thier only child Circe as toddler...
I also had them a bit later on in time ... with Circe as child
and this is the frontis of thier house .... I was trying to replicate the one that's on the picture with young Vidcund and Circe :P
Bjorn and Gundrun Beaker ....
with Kiddy Loki ....
For no specific reason I imagined Beakers and Salamis were friends ....
and they certianly didn't have problems discussing intimacies all together ...
......when I grow up i'm going to marry your daughter ...
Later in time also a lit' Erin joined the group, but I don't have much pics of her .... (didn't get to play that time frame either)
This another household I just did to have, but never got to use .. also started with both chidren as toddlers (that way is was easier to age them UP when If I needed to, always seams at least for me safer and easier to age UP than DOWN)
Baby Jill
and .... ooooopsy baby Johnny .... (not so cute a baby, right!? lol )
Curious (Singles)
Glabe and Lola
Lola was just the cutest thing as toddler ....
and she did get to spend some time with his father, Glarn
(in my mind he's having alien babies in secret while he keeps his regular family at the same time ... uh-oh ... long story ... lol !! )
C'mon ..are you bringing my another alien baby to take care of, Glarn??
OOOPSSS .... yeap .... there is another one on a near future, Glabe
The living room heer was also recreating the one on the pictures with Glabe and the girls ... (and no, they are not twins, not in my sim world anyways...)
I'm leaving the rest of the Curious ... meaning the Brothers and family, for next entry, because that's the house and family i worked the most with, and we all love them so much I think they deserve a whole space just for them *wink*