My Pascal Extras (makeovers)

May 29, 2011 11:10

First off, if you haven't joined sim-icon yet... what are you waiting for?? ;)

You could get a super cool icon like the one I'm sporting right now ( Made by nymphynymms), and perhaps even share some of your own. :D I'll be doing some myself too, not sure what exactly yet, but something. I just love doing icons. I find it fun and relaxing, so having a excuse to do icon about sims, totally brings together two things I love doing. :) (Ideas are welcome, if any one has thoughts on general things that could go in icons.)

And now for the BC extras...

After looking thru all the game's shots, there isn't really that much to show besides the common heart blowing, weird dance moves, random glitches, etc, however one of the things I enjoyed the most through this game was doing the makeovers and playing around all the clothing options, so here is a quick look back at all the candidates and their 'styles'. (with outfit's credits and links when possible, if there's no link and/or credits, I don't know or can't find the dl).

JIC, all (or most) of the hairs are Maxis or simgaroop recolors of various meshes.

Starting with this!:

(in the order they left the challenge)

Tara Kat:
The crazy cat lady, who didn't last long.

During the first afternoon on the pool, I figured she wouldn't feel comfortable walking around in a swimming suit between strangers (first day) so only changed her top for something fresher.

The swimming suit separates are by  Rise_sims at MST2,  and on the changing picture she's wearing underwear as bottom from the  underwear separates set by   ndainye. I used both a lot on this challenge!

And finally her only evening look, (before getting soo quickly kicked out! :P) Always with a lot of pink, very girly, and a bit old-fashioned, like her. (dress recolor by me_emma_me)

Vivian Cho:
Everyone thought she had a chance, but didn't happen.

She also wore a skirt with a swimming top, (and this case it's a full outfit, tho, not sure from where)

and then was walking around in a towel (I missed not having K&B for this game so much!) before changing to her evening look.

A Short lit' dress, cute and flowy, with the hair in a loose bun. I thought it was very nice update to her original style. ;)
(dress by Kayleigh at GOS - here)

Florence Delarosa
The girl who left on the second day... after falling for the bachelor's BROTHER!! XD

For the first day, I used the same trick and gave her similar pants with a blue swimming suit top. I use a lot of specific color for certain sims. Florence's colors are mostly blues.

She's also, imo, easily misunderstood, because seems pretty serious and boring at first sight, but she's actually really playful and fun, so her evening look aimed to be a younger and lighter update to her original outfit, with light pants, and a bluish sweater. (Amaryll's sweater

And as you may notice her cover his also blue, and so are her PJs. (by dustfinger17)

For the second day she used shorter pants, with another type of bluish sweater on top (maxis OFB). Her hair is visibly longer on the second day, which is something I was trying to keep in mind, but it's sims :P (and in some cases longer/shorter hair just worked so I tried not getting too picky about it lol)

I didn't do much with her for the changing scene, tho, but decided to posed her lying in bed distracted and not caring much anymore.

This was the only thing on her mind by then

Then she throw this on for the evening dinner, but that same night she was saying good bye. (top from this set by lenasha and NL Maxis pants untucked by CatOfEvilGenious, both at MTS2)

Samantha and Kimberly Cordial
The twins that could .. or couldn't!

The twins weren't any shy about their swimming suits in the beach,

though I imagine they would get something on top after a while, so those bottom only dresses were ideal for the occasion. (I'm pretty sure these are  these dresses by charterzard, tho I just noticed an odd bump in the shots that it's not the previews, dunno know where is that coming from.)

The fun thing about the twins, was try to dress them with subtly matching cloths. Not exactly the same, but as similar as possible without getting into ridiculous.
These corset outfits were perfect for that. ( The dress is a recolor by java_creations, but not sure about the one with pants)

They also have matchy PJs, (also by java_creations)

and decided to go plaid for the second day.  (Sam's outfit is by migamoo at MTS2 and Kim's by Aikea Guinea at Club Crimsyn). Their hair grew really long that day... Maybe there was  magic involved ROFL

For the night they had a black dress with color tight and boots, and the hair to the side, but each with a distinctive. Sam's outfit is actually a skirt and a tight shirt, with uggs and a hair band so the overall look is sweeter than her sister's.  ( The dress is a recolor by morkmork, and the skirt by amaryll/witheredlilies)

The third day they went hiking on shorts and tank. Both same mesh, one Maxis recolor, the other by Emma.

Polka dots swimming suits

and this at the end (skirts by Gelydh at Club Crimsyn, tops by HystericalParoxysm at MTS2),

to tease Pascal for the last time before leaving! :P

Brandi Broke Newbie 
The one with all the kids

Brandi wasn't in much of swimming and tanning the first day, so she only changed her pants for shorts to be fresh (it was really hot that day! lol)

and for the evening outfit, she chose this gorgeous dress by Amaryll that screams her name, imo.

Her pinky PJ (by nichellerj at MTS2. There're default versions too), because she's all about pink of course!

On the second day she wore some old short and a loose tank (oversized tops by Sentate at MTS2)

and a simply, but cute outfit for the evening. (the top is part of this set by mikexx2 and the pants by Amaryll) She brought all her best clothes for the challenge, but she ain't fancy.

This is what she used to go hiking on the third day, (by migamoo at MTS2 -  here)

but the cutest was the vintage swimming suite by aeliaa. (I never get to use those much, but on her looked so cute.)

Then for the evening, she wore an outfit by Emma

and a good old maxis PJ to sleep.

The fourth day was a sunny day, so she wore a sunny outfit ;) (recolor by Bunny at TSR)

Then, she was sporting a very spotted swimming suite at the poll, (can't find a good pic)

and this was her evening dress, both by Emma.

But the next morning she was gone... (and left wearing some old shirt and shorts)

Cassandra Goth
The rich shy one, who almost made it.

For Cass I went with mostly long skirts and dresses, so the first day she was wearing a very breezy skirt (From this set by Lenasha at MTS2. They are really cool, because, though this in particular is just the skirt, the other versions have a small bolero that can be layered with several tops) and the swimming top, but only because Pascal surprised them that morning and she couldn't change.

As soon as she had  a minute she got a tank on. She's a lady, man, surprise visits are very rude, don't you know!? :P

At night she wore a very elegant and sober dress of the first dinner with the bachelor. (Dress by Amaryll/witheredlilies)

For the second day, she was with another skirt (recolor by Emma) and a white cardigan (by sadisticPyro at MTS2)

and at night this other outfit, that really looked well on her too. I also enjoyed playing with longer hairs on her.

B&W Pjs, like, almost, everything she has! :P (from this set by HystericalParoxysm at MTS2)

For the third day, I couldn't find a good sportswear for her, so she got a darker recolor of the maxis outfit by Emma,

and she had a very cute vintage swimming suit that day too (from this awesome set by Javiera), but couldn't find a nice pict of it.

I wanted to play around the idea of taking the sweatshirt off, but got a bit complicated to do while playing in another lot, so only got this shot of her after the hike, while chatting with Bianca back home. (The pants are not exactly the same, but if you're not too picky, it works, imo. Not sure from where the pants are, but the top is by lenasha too)

Finally, for that night she put together a ruffled skirt and a black shirt (both by Amaryll - Here), with some jewelry and loose hair. It was meant to be a more casual night, so they didn't need to get too fancy ;)

On the fourth day, she had a cute top by lenasha (here, along with the skirts), and a slightly shorter skirt (don't know from where)

(looks better standing here)

and sported another gorgeous vintage swimming suite by Javiera (B&W with dots)

By night she used a Maxis (BV) outfit that I never used before in game, mostly because I don't like it,
but looked really nice on her. (another good thing about this challenge, discover new looks for each sims! :P)

Cassie's second PJ, with just a touch of pink on the bottom ;)

And on her last day (She left on the fifth day by lunch time), she wore a light skirt with a grayish cardigan (that cardigan recolor was made by me for another project some time ago, but thought the dark top fitted her right with the white skirt). This skirt recolor was made by pixelcat45, but there're others by needlecream ( with flats) and niloublue ( with stompy boots)

Natasha Una
Grilled cheese sweetheart

Natasha is all about flowy clothing, colorful pieces (mostly on purples and magentas), and long red hairs (on her case I tend to use the lighter/orangy tones), bu the first I did was to hide all her gypsy-ish stuff !:P (not appropriate for this challenge anyways, tho I do love her gypsy! <3) so for the beach she only had a simple pair of short and a oversized top. (all from the  oversized tops set by Sentate at MTS2)

And for their night night with Pascal she choose to use this tunic recolor by ndainye of a mesh by Gelydh at Club Crimsyn. (This is the full body outfit, but Nd also have the same recolors of the tunic as top only)

To sleep, she likes wearing a big old Tshirt XD (by dustfinger) and braids her hair to be more comfortable (plus it gives volume, don't you know!? XD)

For the second day, she putted together this outfit for the day

and this one for the night.

And because the evening outfit is actually two separates by jesstheex, she could the legging and shoes off once back home using a naked or underwear-only bottom. ;) (I didn't took another angle, but she's sitting on the bed with Alex.) They were getting ready to sleep, so had braided her hair already. :P

For the daytrip, she went off with this very comfortable piece,

and ready with her mismatched swimming (by Javiera) suit under it. :P  (She was really mad about the fishies there! rofl).

By night she used another separate outfit by jessi. (I think the leggings are there and the tops in the other set, jic)

The trick with the naked bottom was better seen in this case. 

I really enjoy how much you can do with these type of outfits. Kudos to all the creators who come up with genius ideas like separates of full outfits, long tops, bottom-only dresses, tucked/untucked versions of the same pants, and/or versions with/without shoes, etc. (I love having bottom shoe-less bottoms! lol).  The game would be so plain without them! <3

So anyways, on the fourth day, Natasha took out another playful short dress with (and let loose the mane)

And was looking all cutie with a purple lit' swimming suit at the poll. (by oepu)

At night, she decided to go be sober and go with cream (recolor by Ndainye)

but the jewelry added just a touch of color. (if you don't have nrjsims sets of extracted necklaces you should get them! They are great!)

Natasha's other PJ covered her more, but was splash of color! (From this set by Java_dreams - This Pjs are great, but make sure to get the fix if you get them.)

as it was the outfits she choose to wear that day, both in the morning ( outfit by charterzard)

and for the evening. (Outfit by java_dreams.)

She was on full purple mood that day, but it was her last day nonetheless

And for the winners....

Alexandra O'Mackey Teatherton
The free spirited who conquered

The pirate outfit isn't much of a guide for style, but it does scream tomboy and, for me at least, she owns red tones, so that's the core of her makeovers. Her hair is always very short and mostly on darker red tones.

Not many girls can use these swimming suits by Migamoo, but it's so perfect for her! (One of the few pieces of clothing I used more than once! lol)

And by night she wore this top by Jessi with black pants by Amaryll

She likes to sleep in underwear ( underwear-ish pjs by iliketoplaygod )

Alex doesn't care too much of what other think of her, she was feeling lazy that morning, so what!? ( sweatpants as bottom by morkmork)

but the day BBQing with the Curious (this was the day the Brother visited) had recovered her mood by the evening. (Again, a top by Jessi with Pants by Amaryll)

Alex is one of the few sims that could actually wear this outfit, so there! SHE HAD TO!

And was again sporting the swimming trunks here.

Like said before, I really like her with those .. and so did Pas! rofl

And for the night, this outfit by Gelydh.

On the fourth day she woke up in another of those underwear pj (same set as before)

and sported another Gelydh outfit during the day. (both can be found at Club Crimsyn, on the tsr sets for AF)

Her swimming suit is part of the set by Ja linked before,

and her outfit at night is part of the Cassandra Goth's Fall Mini Collection by Sentate at MTS2.

The fifth was fresher, so she got a AG sweater with Amaryll's pants for the day.

and a untucked turtleneck by pinketamine for the evening.

And on  the last day, Alex went to the beach with a Plaid shirts by morkmork and another pair of pants by Amaryll

And I had a blast playing around with her cloths using a pair of pants by Aikea Ginea that look very similar and the swimming suit separates.

And finally for the Big Night: This stylish suit, part of the Vampy outfits by Sentate. LOVE. THIS. SUIT!! And I can't see Alex wearing a dress easily, only for her wedding maybe ;)

I also used a lot of this steampunk jewelery by sleepless_angel at MTS2, a set of layerable necklaces by AG at Club Crimsyn and set of piercing/earing that say to be "by May" but I don't remember where they came from (Thought it was either mts or gos but can't find them)

Bianca Monti
The one who won the Prince.

Bianca is another sim who has a very serious look at first sight, but deep down she's active and outgoing. So I was trying to keep a balance between both on her style.

So, she started the day changing out of her sweater into one of morkmork's Deep V neck shirts and a swimming suit under it, which she covered after a while with shorts ... but not because she was shy or worried about the new guy they were just meeting, simply because it was comfortable! :P

For the evening she got a top by jessi and these pants by migamoo that I love for Bianca

I played a lot with shoes/no shoes with Bianca too, and this  set of pants tucked/untucked/shoes/no-shoes and preg morph by ndainye are absolutely awesome for it. (and in general too. Get them if you haven't. Did you read that!?? tucked/untucked and with preg morph!!!) 

She wears this PJ by Amaryll that I love so much. Not sure if someone has ever made this as top-only for everyday use, but it'd be too awesome. I love long tops!

For the second day, she had a top by Jessi/jesstheex (I think I used most of those tops on Bianca!) and same pants by Amaryll Alex used before (actually doing this I realized they were both using very similar things, just in slightly different style. Bianca's just a bit more "girlish", but mostly wears pants and sweaters)

And by night, she had very similar pants, and a vest (Think that's by Amaryll as well)

The day they went hiking she looked for the most conformable pieces on her closet and didn't care.

Another swimming suit by Ja. (I overuse that set, but it's brilliant. Really! It has several types of suits and for all ages! Again, it's here, jic)

And by night had another of Jessis' tops with pants from Kayleigh at Under Your Skin.

Yes, Bianca doesn't mind walking around half naked (all thanks to ndainye's pants and underwear tops!)

On day forth she sported yet another jessi top with AG pants

and had a bikini recolor  by xpinkyhayzx for the pool

And At night her fav. pants with ... another of jessi's top. (well, when I said she used almost all of them, I wasn't exaggerating! lol)

On day fifth she woke up with a PJ by HystericalParodoxism

And I  imagined she would get a sweater (Jessi top) on to go to say Brandi good bye, (the pants aren't the same, but for storytelling purposes it works)

but the sweater was really cozy and the day kind of fresh, so she decided to use it during the day with jeans,

and when they went back home later in the afternoon was a bit warmer, so she took the sweater and shoes off to rest for awhile (while the other two girls had fun in the poll, but Bianca never got along too well with Alex)

For the night she got a shirt recolor by morkmork,

and another Vneck in brown to go to the beach.

And LASTLY ..... a dress! ;)
To feel and look perfectly perfect for the big night. (The dress is Amaryll's but I think the exact recolor is by simgaroop)

And that's it! :D
This challenge was a blast to play, but I don't think it would had kept my attention long enough to finish, if I hadn't decided to do all of these (makeover and specific shots, etc) too. I think I'm a bit over actually playing the game too much. I've a lot more fun setting up scenes and taking screenshots, etc

Thanks for reading and cheers! <3

my pascal, makeovers, extras

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