My Pascal - DAY 05 - PART B

Apr 21, 2011 08:51


Cassandra was devastated when they returned home,

and the house felt painfully empty once she was gone.

Bianca was the only girl in her room, but was welcomed to move in with Alex and Natasha,

which she accepted gratefully.

The girls also thanked having the rest of the afternoon free to rest and settle after all the morning events,

before getting ready for the night,

when they were meant to have an informal night out with Pascal.


Evening Makeovers! :D


Natasha: Pascal is so sweet. He sent a van to pick us up,

and take us to a small hangout place near by,

where we spend the night playing pool,

having a light meal outdoors

and just dancing and having fun all night.

It's obvious he likes Alex and Bianca very much, though,

so I wasn't surprised when he asked me to leave just now, as we came back.

It's sad, though, I'll miss him and the girls, but it's better like this too.

If I have to see his precious lit' baby one more time just to say good bye, I'd cry.


Alexandra: "This is when you must choose too, Alex" Where his exact words after he said Natasha good bye.

I can't say I was taking the whole situation kindly, but I understand. He has good reasons to mistrust me, but I already chose nights ago.

It may be hard to believe, and to be perfectly honest, it wasn't easy to accept, but I really like Pascal.

I think I haven't liked a man this much in a very long time.


Bianca: I'm not sure if he knew, or not, but I've never been kissed.

It's almost pitiful to admit, especially at my age,

but he just did and it was worth waiting all my life for it.

I honestly like him and think I have a really good chance at winning his heart, but don't know what to think anymore. There's only two of us left!



Scores at the end of the day



I haven't played the last day yet, so dunno how things will go, but I'm pretty sure this will windup with a 100/100 relationship tie on both ends, so keeping that in mind (meaning don't get too influenced by the scores at this point) , and considering everything you have seen on this part and previous updates, who's you fav. candidate for My Pascal! ;)

Bianca, who will give him a stable future with a growing family, but may condemn our bachelor to years of tedium; or Alexandra, who'll always respect and accept him with all his pros and cons, but may not provide the stability he's looking for.



I'm excited to get to the end of this. It's been a lot of fun, but I really want to finish it soon and move along to other projects. :)

Thanks for reading!!

Cheers!! :D

my pascal, nonstory:mypascal

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