*check out intro and first day of the project
GROUP A - Day 02
The second morning the results of the first night were notorious in every house.
At Curious, Ophelia is horribly bored watching the guys play chess,
At the Singles, Buzz and Chloe weren’t starting on the best foot
And at Loner Erin felt very left out.
All the guys there seam a lot more interested in each other than her....
But all that changed once the first sets of breeds was delivered….
You may notice Loki doing the bed, yes he was, obviously, but the funniest scene during birth was…
Kris: Errmm … Tank!??
Tank: errm, what!??
…. Oh yeah, true, the baby !! … yeah .. b-a-b-y …
…. Nope, not that one …. ROFL
It was at the Smiths!!!!
Strangely, seamed like the old green wasn’t really wanting more kids,
and certainly not two of them, so he got a lit' Doc's visit in the middle on the birth ROFL!
Anyways …. The first 8 children, including two sets of twins, were born
Lee, Jeep, Knot, Ariel, Julius & Julianne, Leto & Ghanima
Then life continue …
Teens to school
and while the mothers rested, the babies were taken care of by their father, or who ever was closed.
Really Nervous didn’t even care the baby wasn’t technically his, he even wished to play with her!!
SO sweet!!!
Later on the teens were back on their respective homes, both bringing shiny stars.
Johnny was at the Smiths meeting his new siblings,
but somehow I suspect he was introducing his new boyfriend too (no idea why there's a townie on the back ignore it! :P ).
Olive was there randomly, can’t remember why, but it was cute. …
Ner: ohhgosh mom, I do want a baby, but … I dunno the whole girls thing is sooo … *sighs*
Buzz visited his sons at Grunt's and meet his new grandchild while at it,
and Nervous some how, also, ended up at the Beakers ….
*giggle* he likes it there :P
At Curious I’m not really how to describe this scene, but is good they get along so well
while instead at Loner's, poor Erin kept getting ignored!!
Then Pas decided to visit, which I thought it was so nice of him
.. but .. I lost him in sec …. Where did he go!?? ……..
.......WTF!!??? …
…. AJAY!! goddarn it!!! .. tsk tsk .... i'm sure this guy is a frustrated romance sim
(.. well, not so frustrated anymore rofl...)
Then evening came and those two finally stood up!!
right on time for cakes,
and painfully badly dressed toddlers,
so they all got makeover right away.
It’s worthy to show the tods, the best way possible, so these pictures go one by one …
- Julianne and Julius Smith (PT9 + Jenny).
The black hair is totally Glarn’s gift on Jenny's side, I cursed her with the Curious gene on this one!
- Knot Grunt Singles (Buzz + Lola),
His eyes are either from Glarn’s on Lola side or Missy on Buzz’s side, though i can't remember if took Buzz's genes from Missy or Chip
- Leto and Ghanima Beaker (Loki + Circe).
Lots inherited from the granparents on those two
- Jeep Grunt Loste (Tank + Kristen)
it doens't notice much but Jeep has Tank's eyes, basically he;s pretty much *just* like dad :P
- Lee Curious Nigmos (Pascal + Ophelia)
That boy's Pas all around
- Ariel Loner Beaker (Ajay + Erin),
Another one just like daddy, no doubt
So with that done, and after the children were potty trained, simply played around, or were put to sleep,
it was time to prepare the next round…
At Loner’s obviously none of these bromancing boys was any interested in Erin
unless it was to gossip about how annoying she can be …
but they knew one of them had to go,
so after some encouraging ….
one of them went for it …
DARN!! Wrong room! …. (*sigh* Ajay again…. n then u wonder why's always on underwear lol )
There, … Nervous was braver! LOL!
And actually that night was Nervous' turn twice ... he's the multiman!! rofl
(heck, he was already at the Beakers!)
At Singles, Chloe had already started looking at Buzz with another eyes,
so that was easy
and the Grunts it was so easy I totally missed it!!
Kris and Ripp ....
oh, well! I was checking on Buck, who’s a pleasure sim btw, and seams to be the only one who enjoys the pool!! Lol
And finally at Curious … the guys do line ! LOL!
… but Vid was first!! ..
GROUP A - Day 03 -
Everyone’s up very early in the morning the following day…
There’s way too much to do now ..
*sigh* .... I didn’t meant that!
The toddlers need baths, attention, food and care
while teens have to prepare for yet another day of school
and as you may noticed there’s a new group of preggys, except at the Smiths (don’ ask why, I frankly don’t know what was mi problem with jenny, she missed a lot of days O_o )
Erin was expecting as well, but couldn’t find and image of her showing to add.
So during the morning, the toddler all got potty trained, and also learned to either walk or to speak by one of the parents,
while the rest of the grown ups just … chilled or whatever …
A few noted details, Johnny decided to pay a visit the Curious, or was it Ophelia?? ….
Whatever, he came and meet Lee while there,
Nervous was at the Beakers and Ghani kind of likes him,
though he goes there just to check on Loki, I’m sure,
even if the other only repays his attention by cheating on the game,
At Grunts Buck is adorable as a pleasure sim, he comes back from school to watch tv, freestyle and play guitar for tips LOL!!
But Jill can’t stand going to school anymore. (but she won’t have to deal with it much longer)
About lunch time 5 women were delivering,
though you may notice nobody pays much attention to poor Erin … like usually LOL!!!
A closer look (when possible)
and the final shot with the respective fathers …
Galen, Torn, Plot, Noran and Tyek (I think Lazlo is wondering when is gonna be his turn ;) )
Then the afternoon continued as scheduled to finish building up the toddler’s pendent skills
and of course no one forgot about the new recently born babies,
but still Nervous gets the prize to best father. He not only cares about his own son, but also Ajay’s girl all the time.
Funny thing, Nervous is literally everywhere. That afternoon he passed by the Singles, and had serious issues with Lola, which is awful for future paring-business! At least Chloe somehow got him under control
… crazy guy!!!
Cute facts, Ariel, Ajay’s daughter, no matter who cares for her the most, she’s all daddy girl, and follows Ajay everywhere he goes! Sweet!
And the Smiths twins had some kind of conjoined twins’ complex or so, they did (almost) exactly the same things at (almost) exactly the same time,
they only struggled because I didn’t have two sets of each toy available for them lol!!! The Beakers instead, even if I kept them on the same routine and schedule, they were still a lot more independent from each other.
Then it was time for all the rest of the children to grow once more, so one last look at them ….
And now lets start…
At Curious, first came baby Galen becoming a tod, followed by Lee who was turning Kid.
(Galen was on the first guessing post as adult, Lee on the second)
Then at Grunts again the baby first, Torn, and Jeep right after.
(Torn is the boy that turns out just like a clone of Ripp! :P )
At Loner's, Noran became and adorable toddler, a Subject no doubt, and Ariel looks like a sweet lit precious girl
(note the ‘looks like’ I know that girl, she aint so much lol and Noran would be Nervous cute boy on the first post and my fav. Ner's child ever).
Julianne and Julius both look pretty much the same.
At the Singles, Plot, the youngest, and Knot, the oldest, are just the cutest things ever and surprise surprise!
That lit’ one is the cute-eyes boy who some thought could be Ripp’s son! ... but he’s in fact a Buzz/Chloe mix!
And finally at the Beakers we had three cakes, for the twins, Leto & Ghanima and their little half sibling Tyek.
Here’s Ty calling dad, isn’t that sweet!??
This baby my is my 'second' fav Nervous’ child ever, and yes, he was showen on the second guessing post as child.
And btw, Loki doesn’t seam to mind Nervous at all, not even when he constantly pranking or
…….. kissing his wife ROFL!!!
Later at night Jill was ready to grow up, well, let say she was ready right after ‘the talk’ lol
she grew quietly on a corner, same as Buck, then both did the ritual no-college-cry for a while
and that basically ended the 3th day :)
… Expect, of course for….
… the breeding was far from finished …
(C'mon! immaculate conception is just way too boring! :P )
Before finishing a quick look to how all these guys look after some styling
- Julianne and Julius Smith (PT9 + Jenny)
- Knot Grunt Singles (Buzz + Lola)
- Leto and Ghanima Beaker (Loki + Circe)
- Jeep Grunt Loste (Tank + Kristen)
- Lee Curious Nigmos (Pascal + Ophelia)
- Ariel Loner Beaker (Ajay + Erin)
- Galen Curious Nigmos (Vidcund + Ophelia)
- Torn Grunt Loste (Ripp + Kristen)
- Plot Grunt Singles (Buzz + Chloe)
- Noran Subject Beaker (Nervous + Erin)
- Tyek Subject Beaker (Nervous + Circe)
Note: for both Nervous' children, the brown hair is most probably because of Olive.
Acording to simpe she has natutral *brown* hair, and for this game in particular i decided to go literal, no matter how odd ...
And that ends the part for now, :D
I’ll be posting the full stats list after all the children after the last 6 children in this 'group' are born ;)