Title: Slaughtering Shadows
Fandom: Harry Potter
Coupling: HarryxSnape
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: Exactly 100
Slaughtering Shadows
Fleeing from Shadows We stand in triumph over the mangled corpse of our enemy. It is a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
This is not our first kill. Nor will it be our last. Our wands are lost. These are our only defence- a pair of short swords and Godric's Sword that you can barely wield but you deal much harm with all the same.
Your hands tremble with their tight and sticky crimson grip around the hilt of your sword. I wonder if you were Sorted into the House of Lions for this reason.
You look splendid garbed in Gryffindor red.
Fleeing From ShadowsNext:
Embracing Shadows I decided to try at Severus's voice. I wonder if this made any sense at all... Did anyone actually get what I meant with ?Gryffindor red"? I fear it does not make much sense in the end...
I am contemplating naming this series of drabble Sihouettes of War. All reviews appreciated.