(no subject)

Jul 15, 2004 12:24

so the back hurts. Spent three weeks mostly lying on the living room floor watching Tell Sell informercials to pass the time.
I had a doctors appointment on Monday for my last check up. I was suppose to meet with the doctor connected to the firm on Tuesday. Expect....

I got a black out in the car and smashed into the car in front of me at rather high speed (about 50 km) I didn't hit the breaks or anything. Luckily I got away with two severly bruised knees and a sore arm. My car however is gone. Cannot be fixed. BF, who is a car mechanic, went pale when he saw the car. He kept asking me how i got out of there alive. I can't sleep at night because I keep dreaming about it. And I'm stuck at home with Tell Sell informercials again for at least two weeks. The only good thing to look forward to is my 2-week holiday in Spain. We leave on July 30th and won't be back until August 17th!!!!!!

Oh and the back is doing fine. Hardly any pain. It moved down to my knees...
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