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Nov 30, 2004 09:21

i just got into kaladi a few minutes ago, and it is no exadgeration when i saw that it was the more terrifying drive of my life. i saw no more than three people in the ditch, and i saw tracks leading off indicating more. and more than once i was almost down in there with them.
when i first come off of mulchatna all i can see is a line of cars, spaced a fair distance appart (which seems odd to begin with) then i notice how slow they are all going; i cant help but think its a funeral procession. so i wait a few cars to pass. no big deal to wait, my car is warm and i have good music to keep me company so im patiant. eventually i get impatiant and i attempt to pull out onto the main street, my first mistake. as soon as my tires hit that road, i may as well have been driving on an ice rink. if i haddent pulled it back under my control id have done a complete one eighy out there in the middle of the street. so i calm down, get myself straight, and continue. the whole way thought, i cannot tempt the car over twenty; as soon as i goose the gas my tires buck me across the road again. and some of those downhill turns..by the end of them all the ditch was almost looking comforting. if for no other reason than i wouldnt have to drive on this ice rink of a road anymore.
i wonder how many busses went off the road today? when i was little i always wanted them to go off. and it did actually happen once..everyone in the bus leaned the same way, and we managed to get it to slide right of. ever since that i always wanted it to happen again; the ditch seemed exciting then, mostly because school seemed very unexciting.
anyway, moral of the story is dont drive anywhere today if you live in wasilla. i dont know how the hell im going to get home now. i dont even work for three more hours...sigh
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