Well, today was kinda blah - but I blame that on the weather - all clouds and no sun. I don't mind rain, in fact I like it, but just dark clouds seem oppressive. I wanted to go for a hike but it wasn't nice so we ended up driving the scenic view up the mountain instead (I think my mom was happier that way.)
I was semi-productive last night - I created a new layout for my personal webpage. It's a bit auster, but I like the simplistic lines. Since its ment to show case my dolls I figure I should make them the focus and not the layout. Now that I have rambled about it, if you are interested in seeing it the url - here's a link :
Alecia's Abode Yesterday's game Quiddy Match was so great - both teams were amazing and the commentary made me laugh harder than I had in a long time - so thats a very good thing.
Thanks to everyone who commented on my last journal entry - I really appreciate it. After the match yesterday and the party in #ravenclaw I realized how much I missed talking to everyone. I think my shell thing does more damage to me in the long run. *squishes for everyone*