For fromoutofthejar

Mar 06, 2010 21:28

It had been a while since Alec had been back home, as he had been so preoccupied with a world that wasn't his own. After finding the many universes, he had found that his own didn't seem as interesting, as where he came from, everything was merely acted out ( Read more... )

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fromoutofthejar March 7 2010, 03:35:00 UTC
John had been lounging on his couch in pj pants, watching his live feed of local CCTV, trying to catch a glimpse of Alec. He was naturally very worried: having used all of his Torchwood resources and having still come up with no answers to where Alec had gone. Finding the bloke had become Johns personal mission.

He swiftly paused the tv and darted off to the door.


alechavelock March 7 2010, 03:47:21 UTC
Alec smiled as John opened the door, it was obvious that he was excited to see him. His carefree mood there as always, forgetting that the last time he had seen John, was when he had been in his deep depression about Erik.

"Hii!" Alec laughed, and not being able to help himself, he quickly went in and wrapped his arms around John's neck, pulling him in for a hug.


fromoutofthejar March 7 2010, 04:02:30 UTC
"alec! It's actually you" John peppered the others face with soft kisses, his excitment over ruling all other emotions for the moment: he was just so thrilled.

"where have you been? Not on this Planet, that much I know: I've been searching for you" he grabs Alec's face and plants a firm kiss on the mans lips, "I was so worried"


alechavelock March 7 2010, 06:24:41 UTC
Taken back by his reaction, Alec laughed softly, his arms wrapping around John's waist and pulling him closer, "Yeah, it's me, who else would it be?" he grinned, giggling quietly at the small kisses.

He kissed him back, "...You were worried about me?" he seemed surprised by this, and he was, he didn't think that John would notice that he was gone.

He couldn't help but smile, "... Can I come in?"


fromoutofthejar March 7 2010, 20:00:46 UTC
"Yeah, of course" he moved out of the door-frame to let Alec enter the flat. He quickly flicked off the TV.

"Sorry, was reviewing some CCTV footage" he absentmindedly rubbed the back of his neck "You know, just in case"


alechavelock March 7 2010, 20:24:36 UTC
Alec stepped inside, his hands slipping into the pockets of his black coat. He raised a brow at the television, "Just in case of what? Someone trying to break in or something?" he raised a brow, slipping his shoes off before he walked inside.

".. You look like you've been spending a lot of time watching that," he commented, going over and slipping his jacket off, throwing it over the nearest couch.


fromoutofthejar March 7 2010, 20:29:19 UTC
"In case you'd show up" he muttered, this whole thing made more sense when he was alone, not thrust in front of the person he'd been searching for.

"I said I'd been worried, I mean it. I so rarely make friends, and then one just disappears, and well, I just was worried" John could feel his cheeks flushing slightly, he truly hadn't put forth such an effort for anyone in a long time, and it was a satisfying feeling to have his search over, but he was rather embarrassed.


alechavelock March 7 2010, 20:37:35 UTC
Alec couldn't help the smile that crept up onto his lips, "You were looking for me?" he was surprised, he didn't think he had been searching that hard, much less using the CCTV to help.

He looked over and saw John's embarrassment, so he came over and gently held his face, so identical to his own, "Don't be embarrassed, I.. find it sweet," he smiled, "... I'm sorry I had you so worried, I didn't think anyone would notice I was gone.."


fromoutofthejar March 8 2010, 00:37:10 UTC
"of course I noticed Alec, how could I not?" he moves and rests his forehead against Alec's almost mirror one. "You should see the stuff in my office if you think this is bad"


alechavelock March 8 2010, 09:24:27 UTC
Closing his eyes momentarily as he rested his forehead against John's, he dropped his hands down to rest on John's chest, "You were really that worried about me? I wasn't gone... that long," he tried to assure, though was in denial, he knew that he had been gone for a long time.

"I... I met the Doctor," he finally spilled.


fromoutofthejar March 9 2010, 02:19:19 UTC
"I really was that worried" he closed his eyes for a moment, just appreciating the contact.

"right, the Doctor: did he leave you off in Norway, too?"


alechavelock March 9 2010, 02:43:44 UTC
Alec frowned, pulling back just a little to look at John, "What? ... No, he didn't. He was.. really nice, actually," he said and then shrugged, he was here to see John right now, not the Doctor.

"... How've you been?"


fromoutofthejar March 9 2010, 02:51:26 UTC
"oh you know same old. Lots of work, they keep me busy really" he was skimming over the fact that he had absolutly no social life since Alec dissapeared. His eyes were a bit tired, and he was slightly thinner than he had been 3 months prior.

"just been busy"


alechavelock March 9 2010, 02:56:12 UTC
Alec nodded, his arms slipping around John's waist, having noticed he had gotten a bit smaller, "... I missed you," he murmured, and it was true, through his little adventures, meeting Jack and the others - another John, he couldn't forget the first one he had actually met, who opened his eyes to the world he had thought was fiction.

"Are you alright, John?" He finally asked, "You.. feel smaller," he couldn't help the pout, now he was more worried about him.


fromoutofthejar March 10 2010, 03:33:49 UTC
"m' better now" he smiled honestly "I just would forget to eat some days: was just watching video and scouring for leads"

He saw Alec's little pout and couldn't resist placing a soft kiss on his lips.


alechavelock March 10 2010, 04:11:10 UTC
He kissed him back gently, his eyes fluttering closed before he sighed, resting his forehead on John's again. "Makes me feel guilty, you should have taken better care of yourself..." he pulled back a little and looked him over again, "How 'bout a shower? Looks like you could use one," he smiled a little, noticing how tired he looked.


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