cds. running. bombs.

Jul 07, 2005 18:33

i've become a hard core runner. Well, by my standards at least. I'm addicted. Running is my high. Today while babysitting, I couldn't wait to come home so I could run at 7:00. It's my new thing. I'm also addicted to buying C.D.s. I couldn't wait to leave babysitting because I wanted to buy a Kinks C.D. The songs "Lola" and "Victoria" had been in my head all day, and I needed to hear them in the C.D. player. Sadly though, "Victoria" wasn't on the C.D. I bought. Guess I just have to go on another C.D. spree. I should be saving more for Ireland. Technically I have enough, but if I want to buy anything there I'll need more. I also have to replenish my savings account since everything I earned is going towards my plane ticket. Oh the joys of being a young adult.

As I was writing about all this petty, mundane things, I realized what a brat I am. Here I am talking about C.D.s and running, when just today about 40 people were killed, and many more injured in the London bombings. I was driving in the car this morning, heard the news on the radio, and I started crying. I didn't cry when 9/11 happened in my own country, so why would cry for London? I'm not sure if it was a sympathy cry, or just a frightened cry. I'm traveling with my family to Ireland in two weeks, and the thought of terrorists creeps me out. And it's not just London that's getting the explosions, in March it was Madrid, another place I hope to visit soon. And Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, and Kenya. The attacks are ubiquitous. And that scares the shit out of me. I normally just shrug at these types of things, but not now. I think it all goes back to babysitting again. I've become a more materal figure this summer as I've been watching children all day. I've become more emotional and sympathetic towards events and people, whereas I'd normally just look away and try to find something to smile about. Reality bites. I wonder if that has a good soundtrack?

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