Sep 15, 2011 15:31
For @MinzyStarr and @foreverkpop08 on Twitter
For All the UNF!s, LOLs, What is Life?s, Capslocking and Virtual Hugging We Do
What can be said
About online friends?
Well, many people
Question how close
You can be
With people
You’ve never met
In real life
I say
You don’t need
To know someone
In real life
To be close
Because when you fangirl
Be it online or off
You share
A bond
A bond
Of love
For what you’re fangirling
A bond
Of a shared fandom language
(Honey thighs, chocolate abs and flower boys anyone?)
A bond
That usually
Bleeds past fandom
A bond
That doesn’t necessitate
Face to face interaction
Why just ask
@forveverkpop08 and @MinzyStarr
On Twitter
They’ll know exactly
What I’m talking about
I simply
Couldn’t have
Better online friends
No, scratch that
Better friends
Who share my
Love of Kpop and
All things Korean!
I know I’ve
More than scratched
The surface
Of my friendship
With those two
Lovely ladies
Because friendship
Only needs
A few basic things
To survive
And Kristen and Laina
More than bring them
To the table
So it only
Goes to show
That online friends
Can be as close
As real life friends
Minus the real life
Comforting of hugs and the like
And the availability that
Phones, text messages
And living nearby brings