Super Junior Related

Sep 17, 2010 19:02

I’ve been way more into the Super Junior fandom since DBSK hasn't been doing much as five lately, and I thought I would make a list of things that remind me of Super Junior like I did with DBSK.

·         prom15e to 13elieve

·         Twitter (epic SJ pwnage; Who’s the next to join?)

·         Twelfs (Because I can’t read Korean, but they need to translate more.)

·         water games (and someone’s epic, loud, cackling laugh)

·         cowboys (have never been so hot)

·         Full House (Repeats of the American sitcom have never been the same again.)

·         Chocopies (what Anya wanted for breakfast)

·         English Village (epic uses of bad English!)

·         shit (Why throw it?)

·         giant peppers (A cf has never been so funny!)

·         “candy” (thrown at a concert)

·         pajama parties (see above)

·         chocolate (said slowly in “Boom Boom”…)

·         cross dressing (How come some of them do it so well?)

·         Lady Gaga (Lady Hee Hee and Gentleman Mimi)

·         Beyonce (some pictures from the performances are total DNW)

·         vegetables (have never been so delectable or funny)

·         fanservice (Only SJ could get away with so much on stage.)

·         ridiculousness (has become hilarious)

·         showers (competition, SiHan anyone?)

·         long legs (same length, but one has a longer torso making him taller)

·         underwear stealing (Why did you do it, Henry?)

·         spankings (between members on a variety show)

·         musical chairs (I played the other day and could only think of SJ-M, see above)

·         gestures (have never been funnier or more polite)

·         mochi (Yum! Take it as you will.)

·         seasonings (brighten up a variety of things)

·         subgroups (and an epic fictional one, SJ-N)

·         aliens (can’t say I agree with him)

·         fishies (aka, Donghae)

·         monkeys (Tamerins to be exact, or at least I think he looks like one)

·         Korea’s Number One… (Sure you are Kangin. lol)

·         pink (Sungmin’s favorite color)

·         Starcraft (Kyuhyun’s favorite computer game)

·         phililtrums (oh Yesung…)

·         turtles (make great pets)

·         cats (also make great pets)

·         Russian Blue cats (see above)

·         fail (Why he does so often, I don’t know.)

·         secret messages (like proposals)

·         Beijing Fried Rice (great for breakfast)

·         gender switch (Who was the first to write it?)

·         crack (read way more hilarious SJ crack lately)

·         Pokémon (the Pika!Kyu picture and the ensuing fanfic)

dbsk, super junior

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