Title: Tales of Knight Samuel and How He Became Minstrel Sammy
Length: Short Story possibly (I'm not sure how long this will be.)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, Adventure
Summary: Knight Samuel just wants to be Minstrel Sammy. Just how difficult could it be to achieve his dream? The author might say quite hard when Knight Samuel has to deal with
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Yay! Are you saying I would be good at being in charge of Princess Dwaynita's decorum? I could see you totally having shifty eyes in the part where the author is talking. lol Should I write it as you know the author is me, who is known as Marie (my middle name) in the story, or not? For now, I'm going to wait to see how the story unfolds at that point when I right it. That is, unless you have an idea or know how you want to react at that point. It is you, therefore I'll let you make the decision if you want.
I can only ponder how many crazy, unexpected situations our heroes are going to get into as I write other than what I have plotted out.
Oh my gosh. I was just thinking that I could write the story serially and send in a new tale each week for Sam and Punita finishing with Knight Samuel becoming Minstrel Sammy; it's something they could look forward to. There are SO many tales on their quest. Perhaps I could ask them about it this week.
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I asked Sam and Punita about it, and they said I didn't even need to ask! lol
My plot made them think of Shrek. Sam said he wouldn't mind being Shrek and Punita Princess Fiona. lol Oh my gosh I can just imagine it. TC 2 would totally freak out while TC 1 wold just go along with it. Maybe a fairy is the reason for the change. Hm... If Sam wants to be a big green ogre, I can make that happen in one of the tales. No wait. I could have Knight Samuel, TC 1, AND TC 2 become ogres. rotfl TC 2 would be all, "Look what ye did. I knew this quest was a bad idea. Good Lord, ye could have continued to make music as ye did thy knightly duties per usual. It was not ideal, but else could we have done given our positions in life?" *sob* "I am a big fat ugly ogre!" Then maybe I could enter in the actual Shrek. I wonder what Sam and Punita would say if I did that. rotfl I am SO messaging them about this next week.
I would say the story of Knight Samuel is less Shrek more a combination of the Princess Bride and Monty Python and the Holy Grail with it also being, as my dad pointed out, my version of the Canterbury Tales based on my humor. I am going to have TC 1 ask Samuel to make Chaucer's fart joke into a song. The Western world's first fart joke. What could be funnier than that? (http://www.librarius.com/canttran/milltale/milltale698-707.htm)
A friend and I are divided on whether or not they got that Samuel and Dwaynita were them. I think Sam thought Dwaynita was a female Dwayne Johnson after hearing DJ's name. We'll listen to it again and try to come to a better conclusion.
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