Charles Bartholomew Bass.

Jan 05, 2009 01:43

&; chuck bass.
the picspam.


CHUCK: Let's catch up. Take our clothes off. Stare at each other.

the wild brunch

CHUCK: If I knew his name, I'd kill him.
NATE: Because you kill people now? What, are you gonna strangle him with your scarf?
CHUCK: Don't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.

poison ivy

BLAIR: What is she doing there?
CHUCK: Well what's anyone doing there. It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted.
BLAIR: You must have your own wing.
CHUCK: You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit.
So the question is, what do you do now?
BLAIR: I was thinking total social destruction.
CHUCK: And here I thought you were getting soft.
So this is your bed huh?
BLAIR: Leaving now.
CHUCK: You can repay me another time.

bad news blair

CHUCK: Are you high? He looks like Matthew McConaughey between movies.

the handmaiden's tale

CHUCK: Little Jenny Humphrey manages to get my pants off and have me not enjoy it.
Quite the accomplishment.

victor, victrola

CHUCK: He was born poor, I was born loaded but if the only way to impress
him was if I started with nothing then why doesn't he just take it all away.

BLAIR: Thanks for the lift home...
CHUCK: You were... amazing up there.

seventeen candles

CHUCK: Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty.
I really am sorry.

hi, society

CHUCK: You looked pretty hot on Prince Theodore's arm today.
BLAIR: Oh, is that what I am to you? Just an accessory?
CHUCK: Next to him, yes. On me you'd be so much more.

school lies

CHUCK: How glad are you to see our families merge, Sis?
SERENA: So glad that if you ever call me that again it'll be the last thing you ever say, Chuck.
CHUCK: I love it. Our first brother-sister squabble. Well I hope you're going to make yourself
available for more missed childhood memories. Bathing together, for example.

a thin line between chuck and nate

BLAIR: You're all I have left.
CHUCK: Actually, you don't even have me.
BLAIR: Enough.
CHUCK: I'll try to be more succinct. You held a certain fascination when you were beautiful,
delicate and untouched. But now you're like... one of the Arabians my father used to own.
Rode hard and put away wet. I don't want you anymore and I can't see why anyone else would.

the blair bitch project

LILY: (to Serena) Don't leave your dirty package on the table.
CHUCK: If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that...

desperately seeking serena

DAN: Hey I've been wondering where you were...
CHUCK: You mean all of your life?

woman on the verge

NATE: She's right, Serena. I mean, none of us are saints.
BLAIR: (looks at Chuck) Yeah, I had sex with him in the back of a limo.
CHUCK: Several times.
NATE: (looks at Serena) I had sex with you, at a wedding while I was her date.
NATE: (looks at Chuck) Once.
BLAIR: (looks at Chuck)
CHUCK: I'm Chuck Bass.

much 'i do' about nothing

BLAIR: Who, what, when, where, why?
CHUCK: We were up late plotting against Georgina. We must have dozed off.
BLAIR: And you were on the floor!
CHUCK: I didn't want to hurt my back.
BLAIR: Why? It's not like you do anything athletic.
CHUCK: Well that's not entirely true now is it?
BLAIR: Fine. Nothing that requires you moving your scarf.
CHUCK: It was one time, it was chilly.

summer kind of wonderful

CHUCK: Look, I never should have abandoned you. I knew that I had made the wrong decision as soon
as your plane took off. I distracted myself all summer, hoping that I wouldn't feel it. But I still do.
CHUCK: I was scared. I was scared that if we spent the whole summer together, just us... you would see.
BLAIR: See what?

never been marcused

NATE: No offense, but don't you think you're a little outmatched?
CHUCK: At squash? I've been playing my father since 8th grade, how good can Marcus be?
NATE: No, I mean as a guy. Blair wants to be a princess and
your greatest achievement is owning PART of a burlesque club.
CHUCK: Which is why I have to get to know him. No one is that perfect.
Once I get him outta the way, I'll have a clear shot with Blair.
NATE: You know it's love when you start talking like an assassin.
CHUCK: I think you're jealous of my new best friend!

the dark night

CHUCK: What names does he call you when you make love?
Where does he put his hand? Does he..
(whispers into her ear)
Have sex with me.
BLAIR: What?!
CHUCK: Just once that's all I need.
BLAIR: You are disgusting and I hate you!
CHUCK: Then why are you still holding my hand?

the ex files

DAN: You should put a bell on.
CHUCK: Kinky. I'll think about it.

the serena also rises

CHUCK: My father doesn't care enough to get angry.
DAN: Yeah I'm sure
CHUCK: Please. He expects this. He'll be annoyed that he has to call his lawyer.
DAN: Has he always been like that?
CHUCK: Just since the day I was born.
DAN: Nah, that's crazy. Not even Bart Bass hates babies.
It's in our DNA. I think Disney did a study.
CHUCK: He hated me.
DAN: That doesn't make sense.
CHUCK: It does if his beloved wife died giving birth to me.
DAN: It's not your fault.
CHUCK: Tell him that. Sometimes I swear he thinks I killed her. Who knows? Maybe I did.

new haven can wait

SERENA: I did not want to know that. How do YOU even know that?
Why does Blair want to go to dinner with some guy named George San...
CHUCK: A hot girl. Named George. Just like a man. And apparently, it's the Dean's favorite writer.
And I know this because talking to Blair about how she's gonna get into Yale gets her really ...
SERENA: Chuck! No! You just told me two things I never wanted to hear!
And one is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.

chuck in real life

CHUCK: Waving the white flag are we?
BLAIR: Not exactly. I have a proposition for you.
CHUCK: I'll say yes.
BLAIR: That little troll Vanessa is working my last nerve.
CHUCK: Not what I expected.
BLAIR: And then I realized, this could benefit both of us.
CHUCK: You had me until troll.

pret a poor j

BLAIR: Are you here to gloat?
CHUCK: Over what?
BLAIR: Well you won. Pop the champagne.
CHUCK: I didn't win.
BLAIR: Then why does it feel like I lost?
CHUCK: The reason we can't say those three words to each other isn't because thy aren't true.
BLAIR: Then why?
CHUCK: I think we both know, the moment we do, it won't be the start of something, it'll be the end.
Think about it, Chuck and Blair going to the movies? Chuck and Blair holding hands?
BLAIR: We don't have to do those things. We can do the things we like.
CHUCK: What we like is this.
BLAIR: The game.

there might be blood

BLAIR: You! What did you do with her?
CHUCK: Hey! She assaulted me. Demanded I deflower her.
BLAIR: Oh, limos and virgins your specialty.
CHUCK: Just so you know, what are the few things I consider sacred,
the back of a limo is one of them.

bonfire of the vanity

BART: I know I've had trouble being close to you, but it's not for the reasons you think.
It's just hard because everytime I look at you, I see her.
CHUCK: You miss her?
BART: You have no idea.

the magnificent archibalds

CHUCK: (to Serena) If you're talking about the dress, I say higher.

it's a wonderful lie

BLAIR: What do we have, Chuck?
CHUCK: Tonight. So shut up. And dance with me.

o brother, where bart thou?

BLAIR: Whatever you're going through, I wanna be there for you.
CHUCK: We've talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.
BLAIR: But I am me. And you are you. We're Chuck and Blair.
Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had,
I will stand by you through anything.
CHUCK: And why would you do that.
BLAIR: Because I love you.
CHUCK: Well, that's too bad.
for picspammy

chuck bass, picspam, gossip girl, ed westwick

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