Speak of the Devil -- An Ed Westwick Pic!Spam.

Jun 27, 2008 01:23

So, I'm an avid Gossip Girl fan. I didn't watch the show right from the start, because I hadn't read the books and solongjade!Meghan told me I'd be lost. But one day, expatiates!Tracy made an entry with a clip from Victor/Victrola. You know what clip I'm talking about. In fact, you also know that this clip will have screen caps in this post.

From that point on, I needed to know more. Was that House's stalker making out with some guy in a limo? Who was this guy? Who was Chuck Bass? And more importantly, who was Ed Westwick! When I found out he was British AND in a band? I think my ovaries exploded.

This is my tribute to you, Ed. Only one man could make a dolphin sweater look sexy. And it's you, babe. Oh, and today is your birthday. Can I have you in your birthday suit?

laying down, the way he should be.

yes, I can dazzle you like Edward Cullen.

you will see a recurring theme. it's called "ed and sunglasses, a love story."

sunglasses + toilet seat paper + someone else's hand = why he is my favorite.

this is the only time i have ever wanted to be a tennis racket.

it's actually ed's birthday today. his stubble is my present.

the gift that keeps on giving.

i do believe he's the only person with weird chest hair that i actually find sexy. that's an accomplishment!

true facts: i bought that scarf for this very reason.

just. lksjghdlkfjh. honestly.

i think the proper caption for this photo is 'smoldering brit.'

now then, let's move on to some chuck bass photos, shall we? :D here's a video explaining why he is my favorite:

image Click to view


SCARF + brotherly Chuck. mmmmm.

so sometimes he makes strange faces. but ORANGE COAT. HULLO.

chuckles and his jackets. the sequel to ed and his sunglasses.


scarf. cell phone. eyes. why i love chuck bass.

victor/victrola. jksdhakjghsdfh. best episode.

pls let me film this scene next time, kthx.

no words are needed.

am i starting the chuck/blair section? i suppose so.

so, chuck and blair are basically, my all time otp. they're hot. they're bitchy and evil. and they're the reason i watch gossip girl to begin with. so this part will be featuring leighton meester, who deserves a picspam all on her own for the thoughts she gives me. rawr.

i still want to know where this came from. lol.

cue ovaries exploding.

if anyone looked at me like he's looking at her? puddle. pure puddle.

SCARF!!!!! :)

way to kill me today, guys. i knew there was a reason i waited to post this.

oh yeah, and -- my favorite scene from gossip girl EVUR --

no really. watch it:

image Click to view

now, let's just have a quick spam of the two boyfriends -- ed and chace. ♥. according to perez, they're in luuuuuuurve!

caught in the act? maybe.

look how excited he is to talk to his lovahhh! ;)

in closing, i bring you some recent shots. just random. with commentary. love me for it!


lonely without his lovers, leighton and chace.

even sexy with a sammich and a coke.

sunglasses. crooked smile. white suit. i just went to heaven.


apparently, he was in a taxi cab crash this night. poor guy.

hkjsdhagkjshdhg. and i'm spent.

this post was approved by the dolphin sweater. you know you love me.

xoxo, heather.

a very happy 21st, ed!
hope you all enjoyed this sexy mess. hahahaha. ♥
eta: this post was made especially for malpractice!jen. i love you, bb!

chuck bass, pictures, picspam, gossip girl, ed westwick

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