After this entry, they're sending me to the men in white suits.

Oct 11, 2007 01:13

So, two of my favorite girls (blushingblaze and expatiates) posted similar meme type things today. And I am going to put my own spin on Tracy's version of it.

Some of my favorite Five TEN Television Couples. And Their Kisses.
(in no particular order!)
10. Pacey & Joey. The favorites. )

i am clearly a crazy person

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searchtheskies October 11 2007, 17:39:36 UTC
1. Pacey/Joey. Love them so so so much. I'm a tiny bit to young to have watched it when the series aired, but now I've seen all of seasons 3 and 4 and then a bunch of episodes in other season (plus the season finale, of course!). But it's amazing how much I can love them when I haven't even seen the whole season. There's just something about them that just completely works. I was going to be so pissed if they didn't end up together. That dancing scene from the finale. SQUEE. SO HOT. I feel like I could watch their scenes together all day.

The Logan/Veronica kiss? Easily one of the best television kisses ever. No question. So freaking hot. LOVE (no pun intended).

And you are so right about Taylor Townsend. She totally changed my perspective on Ryan. I never had anything against him, I just didn't care either way. Part of it was my intense hate of Marissa. But Taylor just changed everything for me. They became one of my favorite couples SO quickly. I never, ever would have thought to ship them but it worked so perfectly. But Taylor is cuter than kittens. I just love her so much. Their first kiss is amazing and so eye opening, but the seven minutes in heaven one is just hakhjadkhj. So adorable and hot. LOVE THEM. (And the 13 Going on 30 reference.)

So I love Izzie. And I loved Denny. But for some reason, I never really loved Izzie/Denny. I guess part of me found it really hard to buy them as a real couple. They really did have great chemistry but I never got how they went from some cute flirting to OMG!!!TRUELOVE. It just didn't make sense for me. I mean the fact that they had never seen each other outside of the hospital makes it hard for me to really understand where the whole WE'REGETTINGMARRIED thing came from. That said, I didn't exactly hate them together and they definitely had a few cute scenes. Plus, it meant a real end to Izzie/Alex and I was definitely okay with that. (But I had also been shipping George/Izzie through the entire series, so I was automatically a little against any pairing with George and Izzie not being together.)

I just touched on my thoughts about Alex/Izzie. I kind of really hate them together, but even I must admit that the kiss was hot. I definitely wouldn't call it the hottest scene in Grey's ever, but there were definite sparks. But even after that, I still hated them together.

Lost is generally too ridiculous for me, but Charlie and Claire were cute.

I feel like I owe you money for showing me that Ned/Chuck music video. SO SO SO AMAZING.

And obviously you know where I stand on George/Izzie. OTP. Their scenes together are just always so so so great. And Katie/TR? Best best friends ever. Hands down.

Although I must say, you really need to get into The Office because there is definitely a kiss that deserves to be on this list. And wow, I did not mean to basically reference that Hall and Oats song. And now it's in my head. Awesome.



searchtheskies October 11 2007, 17:41:06 UTC


searchtheskies October 11 2007, 17:41:48 UTC
And I also love how I started numbering them but then forgot. hahah. I'm so awesome.


aleapofaith October 11 2007, 23:11:08 UTC
LOL I LOVE YOU. I actually really love Jim/Pam and I considered putting that scene on this list... but then I was like, meh, I haven't totally come out with my Office love yet, so when I do -- there will be full on spam. I assure you!!!


searchtheskies October 11 2007, 23:21:58 UTC
YAY OFFICE SPAM! So glad you love Jim/Pam. They're the only couple that I might love more than George/Izzie. (Although Ned/Chuck is giving them both a run for their money, especially if they keep being so fucking cute.)


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