
May 05, 2006 20:48

So, I was bored and poking around (because that's what I do) and I ended up on BWW looking at people's photos. And so it sort of made me think about how much I've grown up, and how much my friends have grown up. It really just made me think about how much people have changed since I've really been "a part of" the NY broadway scene. Before I turned 18 it was nearly impossible for me to get to the city, and it's been two years since I've been going regularly. And I just appreciate it all so much more after seeing those pictures. It's been almost two years since I've known Kelly. That seems impossible.

Soo, I want to turn this into my own little meme type thing. Just because I love looking at pictures and seeing how beautiful my friends are at their happiest. I want you to post your favorite stagedoor photos in the comments. Whether it's in NYC or not -- the picture that always makes you smile, or brings back your favorite memory. You can comment with one, or ten, or a million.

and I think everyone knows, this is my favorite.

eta: making this public. link it. it's love.
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