Entry: The Thirty-Third-- The Obilgatory Quixotic Posting

Dec 14, 2003 20:08

(All right, I’ll admit this is pretty short for one of my LiveJournal entries. I can only hope I jam-packed enough exciting substance into the little bit I did write to make up for the abbreviated length. You all can let me know…)

Disc_sophist*, oh disc_sophist, I know not who you are. And frankly, given the somewhat odd array of icons contained in your user profile, I’m not sure I really want to know. I’m concerned about your unusual interest in porn. And fanfic. And especially Crispin Glover. If we ever meet, I feel there’s a pretty good chance you’d weird me out**. So if we never meet, that’s okay. I’ll live with it. We’ll both be okay.

But I digress.

Disc_sophist, whoever you are, whatever your passions might be, all the same, I do know this: for at least one day, one brief moment in time, you were my muse***, my guiding spirit, the answer to all my questions in life****. You said: everyone, be quixotic! It’s an underutilized emotion! And you were right. All I had to do was be quixotic and everything fell into place.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, if you run across a flooded field in pouring rain, grab a beautiful girl when she least expects it, get down on one knee, offer her some Tastykake cupcakes*****, and ask her out on a date, however romantically idealistic you might think you're being, there's a pretty good chance you'll be happy with her answer.

I certainly was.

*If I were cool, I’d know how to turn this into a link that would take you to disc_sophist’s LiveJournal. Unfortunately, I’m not. If you want to find out who this person is, you’ll have to type in his/her name the old-fashioned way.

**Actually, one could make a really strong case, based on empirical evidence, that an interest in fanfic would make me more likely to befriend a person. Quite obviously, some of my favorite people in the entire world like fanfic. Maybe liking fanfic does make people cool? I’d feel sort of odd admitting that to be an inherently good thing. Hmph. Either way, there’s no excuse for the Crispin Glover obsession...

***I suppose I should give Miguel de Cervantes a bit of credit, too, to be perfectly fair.

****Well, not really all my questions. I don’t suppose you’d happen to be familiar with the Slutsky equation and compensated demand curves, would you, disc_sophist? Stupid Econ exam.

*****NB: They do have to be Tastykakes. Because, as the jingle goes, “Nobody bakes a cake as tasty as a Tastykake.” And if you’re trying to be quixotic, you can’t afford to go with the second-best. Even if the stupid Dana vending machine refuses to take your perfectly good quarter a half-dozen times. So damn annoying! I guess the moral is: always persevere, despite whatever obstacles you might face :)
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