Fic: You've Got a Piece of Me (05/50)

Jun 21, 2010 12:50

Title: You've Got a Piece of Me
Characters: Kate/Jack & Freddie/Effy
Rating: PG (minus some swearing)
Summary: A crossover fic between JK&FE set after 4x07 of Skins and after 4x10 of Lost but instead of being in 2007, it's 2010 and some things are different. The first chapters are focused on once couple only till they all meet in a difficult situation.
Notes: Thanks to Jennifer for review the first 4 chapter and Ivy for being my beta of all the rest of the fic *hug*

It's been two weeks since Jack and Kate decided they'd get married with a small ceremony. They have managed to arrange it all even with such short amount of time, with the help of Margot and Sun. Kate is getting ready for the ceremony, her dress fits her perfectly, the make up is on and the only thing that should be done is her hair. She hasn't decided yet if she wants the hair up or if she wants them all loose, she tries various different combinations before deciding to leave them loose. In the other room Jack has already finished all he needed to do. He's quite nervous, he can't believe their day is finally here. Hurley tries to distract him with random anecdotes from their days on the island but Jack's head is already at the end of the aisle, picturing himself waiting for his fiancée. His daydreaming is interrupted by Hurley's announcement that is time to go. He's glad he has chosen Hurley as his best man, he's always been a supporter of him and Kate and this wedding was like an early birthday present for him.

Jack takes his place under the gazebo where the ceremony is gonna happen, he can't wait to see Kate in her beautiful dress. Kate's ready, Sun announces it's time for the bride to show up and be admired in all her beauty, Kate doesn't need to be told twice, she's dying to become Mrs Shephard. She takes her bouquet and she heads for the garden. She looks for her father, she can't walk on her aisle by herself, a bride needs her father. He has been waiting for her right before the aisle starts, he offers her his arm and they start walking. All she can see is Jack waiting for her, he's gorgeous in his suit and he's all hers. Jack can't believe how breathtaking she is in that dress, coming right towards him, ready to be his for life. Sam lifts up her veil and kisses her on the forehead before leaving her to Jack, who takes her hand and they face the minister together.

The ceremony starts and it's very quick but emotional, they keep looking at each other like they're in their own world and they just briefly reconnect with the rest of the world when the ministers asks Jack "Do you, Jack Shephard, take this woman, Katherine Anne Austen, to be your wife? Do you promise to love her in sickness and in health, in richness and poorness? Do you promise to love her until death tear you apart?" His voice is strong and loud when he says "I do". The minister now turns to Kate "Do you, Katherine Anne Austen, take this man, Jack Shephard, to be your husband? Do you promise to love him in sickness and in health, in richness and poorness? Do you promise to love him until death tear you apart?", Kate's voice is shaking but she manages to says "I do" and they just smile at each other. The minister finishes the ceremony proclaiming them husband and wife and inviting Jack to kiss Kate, he doesn't need to be told twice, he kisses her very sweetly and then they turn to face their families and friends. They walk the aisle together and they're surrounded by all the people who want to congratulate them. After they have received all the congratulations they head for the banquet so they can all start eat. All the guests kept eating all afternoon and after it was time for some dancing, Jack and Kate started the dancing on the song of their first date. She can't help but notice he has definitely improved his dancing skills and she points it out "You must have taken lessons because the last time I see you dancing you were all over my feet Mr Shephard" and she starts laughing, his reply is almost instantaneous "Oh really? So I can't mock your absent cooking skills but you can mock my dancing ones Mrs Shephard?". They both keep laughing and dancing until it's time to say goodbye to their guests and start their honeymoon.

They go upstairs to pack the last few things, take a cab to LAX and they're ready to go. Jack goes buy something to drink while they're waiting to catch their plane, a coffee for him and a tea for her, caffeine is not good for the baby. Gosh, it almost sounds unbelievable, that in seven months they'll have a baby so they surely won't be newlyweds for very long. Jacks bring the tea to Kate but she looks at it with the strangest face ever. Jack asks her "Kate, what's wrong? Don't you like tea?" Kate shakes her head, "No, I do like it, but I need to stay awake. It's a long flight Jack and we don't have much luck with planes, do you remember?" she says clearly alluding to their airplane crash that three years ago gave them a chance to meet and fall in love. Jack understands her but he can't give in "Babe, I know but caffeine is not good for the baby. If you want I won't have coffee either and we can fall asleep together or I can have this coffee, stay awake and look over you and the baby, what do you say?". This sounds ok to her "Ok, but I want you to wake me if you have even a remotely feeling that something is gonna happen ok?" He nods and realizes it's time to get on the plane. They go hand in hand through the gate and get on the plane. They wait for it to start flying then Kate, exhausted, falls asleep on Jack's shoulder.

I love comments, let me know what do you think of it :)

lake lovers, fanfiction, lost, jate, skins

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