Jul 05, 2005 07:58
Last night was great. It was the 4th, so classes were not as long. Always good. Did have math first though-_- I couldn't stay awake. After all of that, I hung around the lounge abit before going to the movies. About 8 of us went to see War of the Worlds. Good movie, even if Tom Cruise is a superficial prick and it had a happy ending. But still, alot of death and destruction, so that's always good. Durring the movie I was sitting with Tracey, which was fun. She was afraid of every scene, but that's ok.
The previews were good as well. I want to make an Anime trailer to Stealth using Gundam Wing, just because it has a plane with a computer program that begins to think for itself. Gundam wing has the moblie dolls, computer systems that fight by themselves. What made me think of it was a line in which a commander said to one of the pilots being replaced something to the effect of "I'll just tell them that their sons and daughters died when I had a way to prevent that, but didn't use it" That is just the thinking of some of the supporters of the moble Doll system. Well, I got to get to class, so I'll update later.