May 12, 2008 09:48
Me? Post something?
Why not?
Classes are over and summer has begone. Now that the Hell known as finals week is over, I have plenty of time to not think of classes, deadlines, papers, reading or tuition. Instead I can spend my time worrying about a job, rent, food, maintaining current friendships, keeping distant friends from becoming former friends, reading, writing, the GRE's, Grad School Applications, and somehow trying to visit places like Rochester and Long Island. Should be fun, no?
So, here are my plans for the week:
~Finish my hours here at the library.
20 hours in 4 days. yay...
~Find a Job.
I just put in more applications, and now I get to bug all of those places more often. I'm going to subway today since I know there is an opening, though I really don't want to work there. I'm going to the mall tomorrow after work to fill out more applications. It shouldn't be this hard to find a part time job...oh wait. This is Buffalo. Never mind.
~Spend time with friends.
Elizabeth is moving out soon, Jordan will be in town only for a few days between coming home from Undergrad and going to California for Grad school, and I want to make time for my friends who are actually staying around for the summer.
~Check out grad schools.
I already want to go to Stony Brook, but should apply to other places just in case. Apparently Brockport has a good cultural program, and UB seems to suck according to professors I know who went/worked there, though I guess every school has its own little cliques.
~Read my eyes out.
I have reached a wonderful point in my life:I don't have professors telling me what to read. so far on my list of books this summer:
James Frasier-'The Golden Bough'
Joseph Campbell-'The Hero With A Thousand Faces'
'The Bible'
'Study of Buddhism and Christianity'
'Not By Genes Alone'
'Illegal Drugs'
'Ecstasy:The Complete Guide'
'Plants of the Gods'
'The Hip Hop Years'
~Spend some time with the Divine.
As you might be able to tell from my book list so far, I've had a recent interest in all things metaphysical. My plans for the summer include meeting with Jewish, maybe Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Rastafari, and to be well rounded those crazy New Agers and "neopagans."
~Write more than I do when someone tells me to.
Thats right, since I don't have classes any more, I'm going to keep my mind in shape not just by reading everything I can in the coming months, but writing about it as well. I had a nice thread of thought going a few days ago as I was riding around the city that i need to finish and I have some big plans on other philosophical writings. I want to look at artist and see how they've changed and matured in their metaphysical lives. Artists that I'll be listening too are David Bowie, k-os, Bright Eyes, Bloc Party and The Beatles as a start. I'm sure I can find more. I'll even spend some time with my favorite Romantic writers, such as Coleridge, Wordsworth and Blake.
Well, time to get back to work and whatever else it is I do with my time. I'm sure I'll update within the next birthday's coming up.
grad school,