I have apparently deeply offended Pete Wentz

Sep 20, 2009 00:22

So, my day. Took us FOREVER to find the comic shop that Fall Out Boy would be signing their comic, because the directions failed to mention it was in a MALL. We found it eventually, though, and purchased our comics then waited outside for about two hours in the sun. Joy.

They let us inside right before the band came, so we did get the opportunity to cool off and dry off, cause we were all sweating up a storm. I was standing in line worrying I was going to have a fangirl freakout in front of them, or say something completely stupid, or not be able to say anything at all. Luckily, the girls in front of us were being super annoying fangirls, and I was annoyed into calming down, so by the time I got to the band I was calm and collected.

I gave my comic to Patrick and said hi, and he asked how I was doing, and I said good, and he nodded and passed the comic to Andy, who was wearing sunglasses and no smile, and didn't say a word, just signed the comic and left it there, so I had to grab it and slide it to Joe. Joe. His EYES. Everyone always talks about them when they see pictures of him, but in person they are so so blue. Anyways, for some reason I decided to actually talk to Joe, and what came out of my mouth was "Hope you guys are good tonight." UGH. Why did I say that? He was nice, though, and said, "Well what if we aren't?" and I said "I'd still love you guys anyway" and he called me sweet. Right after he asked what if they weren't he slid the comic to Pete, who did not say a word, just made eye contact with me, and I swear to God, glared. I don't know why! Maybe he sensed I was lusting after Patrick and decided to hate me. I really don't know. But it was a full on glare and he was looking right at me. No idea what I possibly could have done to offend him.

Anyways, after that we headed to the concert and Anberlin had already started playing by the time we got there, but we caught most of their set. They were really good as usual, even though most of the crowd had no idea who they were, also as usual.

Then we had a realllllly long wait until FOB was going to come on, which we killed with Guitar Hero, food, and a lot of sitting around and people watching. When it was time for FOB to come I dragged poor Jen into the heart of the crowd, pretty close to the stage. She was a trooper though, because even when we were getting shoved around and sweated on she didn't ask to leave.

What can I say about FOB? Pete said a few jokes that fell flat, but he forced Patrick to talk! Patrick is ADORABLE. He started out with "Hi. My name's Patrick" I wanted to squish him and take him home with me. The songs were great, I was screaming along so loud that I have lost my voice for the first time because of a concert.

After that was a half-hour more of waiting for blink-182 to come on. We killed that half hour with lots of water, and more sitting and people watching.

Jen seemed to really enjoy blink, and I liked the banter, but the songs are still meh.

Coming home I have two new bracelets, a brand new shirt, and a shiny signed comic book. Pretty good day.

real life

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