Shock and awe, couldn't think of a title for this one

Jul 20, 2008 03:36

The club was dark and cramped with people who were all writing bodies and anonymous faces; everything a club should be. Watching from the bar he saw a girl stumble out of the mass, unsteady on her feet and clearly underage, but that wasn’t a surprise, the bouncers at this club were rather unscrupulous, and illegal substances were passed from person to person on the dance floor.

Taking a moment to steady herself the girl made her way to the bar, ricocheting of people in her way that didn’t even notice. Watching her progress he got a taste of what her life was probably like, affecting people but never interacting enough to make an impression. She was perfect.

“Can I buy you a drink?” It wasn’t a line that would have worked very well on any sober person, and he wasn’t entirely sure it worked on her, because she blinked a few times, her pupils blown wide, as though trying to process the words she’d just heard. Without waiting for an answer he turned to the bartender and ordered her a drink that had a high amount of alcohol, not that she needed to be pushed any farther, but enough of a fruity flavor that someone who was probably as inexperienced as her could handle it. He didn’t bother slipping anything into it before he handed it to her; she had already done his job for him.

He waited patiently as she consumed a few more drinks, thoughtfully provided by him. He had no problem with waiting, it was still early in the evening and he had spent more time on girls less appealing than her. Whatever she had been giving must have been either really good or mixed with something else, because her high didn’t seem to be wearing off. After she finished her latest drink he leaned close and asked, “Do you want to go somewhere else?” Again she only stared at him blankly. Taking her hand, he led her away from the bar.

Perhaps at a more reputable establishment the men at the door would have at least frowned at him, but as it were, one of them just gave him a clap on the shoulder and said he’d see him tomorrow night. He lead her to his car and poured her into the passenger seat without any protest from the girl. He ran through his mental catalogue of shady accommodations and chose a motel he hasn’t visited in awhile, and left her in the car while he got a room for a few hours. She was passed out, and he had to slap her a few times to rouse any hint of consciousness. “Good, you’re still with me. Come on.” He yanked her roughly to her feet, further jarring her into wakefulness. He pushed her into the room and closed the door on the homeless woman watching from the sidewalk.

Later, he rolled over and tapped her side, trying to get her to wake up. When she didn’t respond he tried slapping her again, and it was only when her head rolled to the side, mouth against his palm and he felt no moist breath that he realized what’s happened. “Shit!” He tumbled out of bed, taking the sheets with him. He stumbled to the door and pushed it open, he tripped over the threshold and fell to his knees, breathing in the cold night air. It took a few lungfuls of air before he was thinking clearly again. He couldn’t call an ambulance, and he couldn’t leave her there, his only option is to get rid of her.

He pulled on his clothes and took a walk around the building, looking for any place that was close enough but easy enough to hide, and he discovered that the motel backed into a small patch of forest, dense enough that the ground inside is completely black. He didn’t have a shovel or enough time for even a shallow hole, so he hoped the foliage would be enough to conceal her, until some jogger stumbled across her body, Law and Order style. The thought made him giggle, a hint of hysteria.

Back in the room she was still laying on the bed, of course she was, he thought, almost passing for asleep. Too bad he knew better. He took the sheets he had dumped on the floor earlier and wrapped them around her body. She was small enough that he thought he could probably carry her to the spot. He didn’t bother praying that no one saw him, because God probably wouldn’t lend His assistance in this situation. All he can hope for is that the residents of this neighborhood knew how to mind their own business.

He dumped her far enough in that maybe by the time she’s found no one will remember he was there. He definitely can’t go back to this place again, and struck it from his list. He went back to the room and made sure he didn’t leave anything behind. He closed the door behind him, returned the key to the bored kid at the desk, and drove away. He knew that most people would lie low for awhile if they were in his position, but it would look even more suspicious, so he returned to the club the next night, and picked a new girl. She looked nothing like the last one.

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