Nov 08, 2006 02:01
As of this posting, the Democratic Party has not lost one incumbent seat in the House, nor one incumbent seat in the Senate, nor ONE incumbent Gubernatorial seat. All that, while gaining roughly 30 House seats from the Republicans, at least 4 Senate Seats (with a chance of up to 6 as of this moment, giving the Democrats the Senate majority), and 6 State Gubernatorial offices.
By any partisan measure, this is simply a "Flawless Victory". That is to say, we beat the hell out of our opponents and they didn't lay a hand on us. And we did it, you and I and all of us, because we were READY for the tricks and we overwhelmed them with a turnout that beat some Presidential elections. With hundreds upon hundreds of races, their tricks were spread far too thin to defeat us.
To quote a fortune cookie I got the other week... "Success will not attack you. You must attack it."
That's what we did, brothers and sisters in democracy.