Title: Crash and Burn
tprillahfiction, and
marlee813, and
manghahabiSeries: TOS
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Female OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~23,000
Warnings: UNHAPPY ENDING, but canon functions as a fix-it (specifically TMP)!
Summary: As the Enterprise's celebrated voyage winds down, the tension between her captain and first officer escalates, and three days aboard Jupiter's premier lunar station will change everything. Jim doesn't handle change very well. Slow-build, character-study prelude to the Lost Years and TMP.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 2 (cont.) |
Part 3 (Also available on AO3) Link to the fanmix.Links to some seriously amazing art (click the banners)!
A/N: Major thanks to my betas
marlee813, and
manghahabi! They all kept me motivated and whipped this story into shape - I wouldn't have made it without them. Special shout-out goes to
eimeofor inspiring this idea in the first place (hooray for plot bunnies born out of comment discussions)! Also, my artists are amazingly kickass, and I strongly suspect they've ruined me for every future Big Bang I could participate in. You guys have brought this story to life in ways I never imagined! :D