Sep 01, 2006 13:55
It's been eerily quiet at work today. Many people have either left early or just taken the whole day off to get a 4 day weekend. Not only that, but I'm actually caught up on all my major projects. This has been a very pleasant work day, so far.
At lunch, I drove down to CompUSA and bought a drawing tablet and pen for Katy. She's been doing so really nice work at some web site just using a standard mouse. I'm hoping that the tablet and pen will let her go to the next level in her artwork.
I've had 2 WheresGeorge hits in the last 24 hours! I refreshed my statistics this morning after I found out about the one that came in last night so now I have to wait until tomorrow before I can see the effect this second hit has on my George Score. (If you don't do WheresGeorge, that's a ranking number that allows you to "compete" with other WheresGeorge participants.)
I think I'm going to leave early and finish work from home.