Sep 17, 2004 00:37
Today i managed to get up @ 8 well 8 15 : ) after i went to bed @ 5. Got to work late @ 9 15 and did a whole lota nuthin down to washing glass cases, dusting tvs, and reading fucking players guides in electronics until about 3 when i had a shit load of electronics product to put out on the floor.I did learn that the speed of film (200, 400, 800 etc.) Really has nothing do do with speed but as to the quality of your photo based on available light.
NOw however on the drive home from work i thought i could see a hair clinging to the side of my head or something. So i was grabbing at my face and eye for about 15min before i realized it was actually just a reflection of light off one of my strobes......(see subject)
I left and headed out for wixom round 6ooom and Tom and i washed our cars at the DOLLAR car wash. (focks accept credit cards at a gd self serve car wash) About 8 we went to the mall to visit young bradley ooo yes.
Few hours passed and we ended up at big boy in novi.. walked out... went to big boy in wald lake and tom and i ate $13 worth of icecream each.
E A C H $13! of ICE C R E A M ....
AND now Im actually home before 12 whats up with that? I work again tomorrow 9-5