RP and In Character romances

Feb 19, 2009 16:38

I am sick as the proverbial dog so forgive me if this post comes out all mangled and confusing.

I've been thinking a lot about IC romances of late. It used to bug me that I enjoyed romance plots. Heaven forfend I like typical girly things. But as I a) read romance novels like they're popcorn and b) enjoy romances in all my television, it stands to reason that I would also enjoy watching them play out in role playing games.

Now, I think romance plots have gotten a lot of flack for the drama they can cause. We all know if the in game/outta game line blurring that goes on and how that can be especially messy when there's feelings involved. Usually my ic partner is also my husband. The fact that there are no concerns about boundries aside, I enjoy interacting with Josh in games. We've been rivals, opponents, co-conspiritors, allies and lovers in games. Sometimes more than one at a time with certain characters I can think of.

The folks that I can run romance plots with though are few and far between I've found. Some people and characters I'd dearly love to run those sort of plots with wouldn't touch a romance plot with a ten foot pole. Some folks aren't comfortable running those plots. Others, I'm not comfortable enough with them to run them.

Which leaves me usually playing in a corner with Josh. Not that that isn't fun, but sometimes we're playing characters that simply don't mesh.

So what do you all think? What kinda plots do you prefer playing in?


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