December Meme - Day Nineteen - Knitting

Dec 19, 2014 09:38

The Meme

Today's prompt is from
kelkyag: Knitting

Oh, man, I haven't knitted in so long. Children are walking and talking who I had Big Plans to knit baby clothes for.

And it's a pity, and something I ought to rectify, because knitting is very soothing. It calms me down, gives me something to do with my hands, and takes some of my attention so that I can spend the rest of it focusing.

On my list of things I really want to knit:

Shahin's wristwarmers, in large part because I want to use them in the Kickstarter.

A girl-stuff pouch for my purse, because, well, girl stuff. <.<

Something for a friend's kid before said kid heads off to college.

The two hats I have planned for other friends, before they're 80.

And, in the dream-big realm, I really want to knit myself a Douglas Adams/Dr. Who homage towel shawl blanket.

Maybe start small? I think I have a dishcloth on the needles, or there's always the 13-foot scarf I was knitting for a friend. I got through 6 feet of it...

*flexes fingers* I'm allergic to wool, so knitting for me is almost always cotton or linen. I'm just beginning to get a feel for bamboo, but it is so different from cotton...

Maybe I'll knit myself a set of pulse warmers first.


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prompter: kelkyag, decembermeme

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