Some Nights and after
Storm Front (now with 50% more ninjas.
::What should I do?::
::Intruders.:: He sent her the image of the property, the intruders, lying in wait. ::Get the kids into the basement. It'll withstand just about everything. I'm going to land and take them by surprise while they're waiting to take me by surprise.::
He circled twice more, muttering Intinn Workings under his breath, glad he always flew with an invisibility Mask. Had they seen him anyway? Why were they here? What were they?
::Where's Seven? Over there. Over there. Where's Six? Where's six?::
::Ready to close. Where's Five? Are we really doing this?::
::Team in place. Countdown. Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight.::
Him. Luke swooped down to the ground, silent death from above.
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