10-Second Review: HaikuJaguar's From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign

Jan 29, 2013 08:44

For Christmas, Best Friend Ever gave me (Among other awesome gifts to be discussed elsewhere), From Spark to Finish: Running Your Kickstarter Campaign, by

I have read this book from cover to cover in the last two days, and I am newly enthused about running a Kickstarter campaign! It's, as expected from The Three Jaguars, no-nonsense, friendly, straightforward, and useful.

How useful, of course, we'll have to see when I try my own Kickstarter campaign. But I'm getting very excited.

Thanks, again, Micah, for sharing your spark with the rest of us.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/464204.html. You can comment here or there.

artist: mcahogarth, signal boost, review

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