Wednesday morning after emergency Lowe's run

Nov 02, 2011 08:48

I got a message from T. as I was about to leave work yesterday - "either you need to stop on the way home or we need to go out once you're home."

Seems the threshold to our house had died a messy death.

(This is amusing to me because I'm a big fan of Jim Butcher's Dresden'verse, where the threshold is the word used for the magical protection of one's own home, and something similar exists in Addergoole/Fae Apoc, where you cannot enter someone's home without their permission).

But in this case, the wood under the metal and weather stripping and above the slab had disintegrated. Not nearly as magical, no demons, and we just needed some wood and a new metal threshold & weather stripping to replace.... which T. will be doing today.


meeks has uploaded a new detail view of Rin's picture :-) It's the city! ( Livjournal and Dreamwidth.

She's also posted a new sketch on DW and LJ - to
jjhunter's poem The Lamb's Plea To Them Both, which is definitely worth a read.

ysabetwordsmith had her monthly Fishbowl yesterday (sorry for lack of boost; 1st/month is mad for me); of the poems she's posted so far (which you should read), I think "The Funny Farm" is my favorite.

Aaannndd... (A little late, sorry)
lilfluff wrote this story to my prompt - I'm eager to see more of this world!!

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

personal: house, artist: ysabetwordsmith, artist: meeks, artist: lilfluff, signal boost

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