I have this desire to outline the story before Tuesday, but at this point that means doing it, oh, I dunno, tomorrow after work. Or today in between apples.
Last year I "faked" Nano; I aimed for 50K words in November rather than 50K on a particular project. I had full plans of writing a novel-draft, actually-doing Nano, this year, until we bought a house. There's a bit of a time suck involved there!
So what I'm planning on doing is doing as much as I can without totally giving up other projects - Addergoole & the Giraffe Call, at least. Everything else can wait until Christmas - and aim to write a 50K novella draft by 12/15/2011
50,000 words in a month is 1,667 words a day for 30 days.
That's 11,667 words over 7 days or, writing 6 out of every 7 days, 1944 words/day.
in 45 days it's 1111 words a day, 7778 a week, or 1296 6 days out of 7.
My current word-count goal on a non-Nano month is 7000/week (or 1400/day with skip days). On non-stressful weeks I usually break that by 1-2K.
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http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/163245.html. You can comment here or there.