For the
30 Days Meme Second Semester, for the prompt "17) write an uncomfortable story."
Faerie Apocalypse (
LJ Link), Addergoole Year Nine, the day after
"Say Yes." (
Thorburn seemed jittery and uncomfortable on Wednesday, as if somehow he’d been the one to get the wrong end of Tuesday night. It grated on Ceinwen, set her teeth on edge. What
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(Hmm. So, how many of the students actually stop to think and take into account that the geases aren't permanent, and that the will eventually be facing someone with free will again?)
((Seems like not many; in their "defense;" they're teenagers.))
And yes, teenagers and good thinking don't seem to often go well together do they? I recall making a number of, shall we say less than ideal decisions back then.
Thorburn... Yeah. I alternately want to slap and hug him
But anyone who slipped up and let the young geek get a geas on them? Well at least it would have been young geek and not a full time bully. So most of the time would have been along the lines of, "Alright, get the book bag, we're hitting the library and we aren't leaving until that bag is full." or, "So what do you think of this character, cool eh? And remember, no groaning about more D&D talk."
I so want to see that written as a story
(there's a D&D scene, a couple, actually, in the serial)
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