Hidden Mall 64: Selling for Information

Apr 29, 2019 13:52

Abby was about to step in front of her friends when she found 'Via stepping in front of her.  "You leave her alone.  We're not selling anything, we're not buying anything, we're not giving anything.  We're just passing through. That's it."

"Oh," the woman clucked, "but I have information.  And I am willing to give it in exchange for something - if you have something you want to sell me."

"That sounds-" Now Olly, too, was in front of her "-a lot like buying something, and we don't want to do that.  Not here."

"And that's wise.  It is always wisest to never take anything that seems like too good a deal at the moment.  So let's see. Well, or too dear a deal, of course.  If you want information-"

read on…

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