Conlang all year round - Augovernust in September

Sep 13, 2016 08:01

I'm going through 365 Conlang thingies beyond #Lexember (which is missing October...) one month a day (or so) up to September.(?) I just realized I wrote a Julectuary last week and never finished filling things in, so that will come soon.

In the meantime... Augovernust. Today I thought I’d write my “quotes and excerpts” policy, especially pertinent in light of sites like (link) that like to strip your blog content and repost it.

For published works, please see the publisher in question for excerpt rights.

For works published online - on my blogs or one of my serials, for instance - you may quote up to 50 words or 10% of any given piece*, whichever is smaller, without permission - simply provide a link to the site the piece is posted on and give credit to Lyn Thorne-Alder.

Please do not post longer excerpts without explicit written permission from me, which you may request via PM or via e-mail. In all cases, please provide a linkback to the original work and credit to Lyn Thorne-Alder, or an appropriate bibliographical listing.

* For the purposes of this policy, a “piece” is considered the entirety of a story, regardless of the number of posts. Edally Academy is a piece; Fourth Husband is a piece.

Morphambruary 1
Febmanteau 1
Polysemarch 1
Juneme 1
Julectury 1
Augovernust 1
Morphambruary 2
Febmanteau 2
Juneme 2/2.5
Julectury 2

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meta, conlang365

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