I am going through
365 Conlang thingies beyond #Lexember one month/day in the second half of August.... because I wanted to. See
conlang 365 tag for the ones I've done so far...
April’s Auxpril is about getting new fans! (Which leads of course to the question of: for what? I’m a mult-project girl; should I focus on fans for the fan-fic (blood for the blood god?), fans for Edally, fans for my vast corpus of unfinished work (i.e., this blog…)
Sometimes, one of those can translate into another, in theory. So I’ll ask about all three:
- Where do you go to find Fanfic? I have accounts and stories posted on AO3 and Twisting the Hellmouth, and don’t mind writing in a specific fandom if it draws people.
- Where do you go to find original fiction on the internet? I’m listed on Web Fiction Guide, Epiguide, and Muse’s Success (shamless plug: I still pay in fic for every two reviews, and Edally is sadly underreviewed)
- Writers: Where do you go to find audience?
I know ![](http://s.dreamwidth.org/img/silk/identity/user.png)
ysabetwordsmith and others have used the Bingo Challenges to go fishing for audience; did you find that it worked?
Project Wonderful ads, sure, but how do you make them engaging enough to draw people in?
- If you’re already a regular reader, how did you find this blog?
Any suggestions on making it easier for readers to move from one section of my work (blog, fanfic, serial) to another?
Thanks! Also, if you're a new fan, thank you! Where did you come from and how do I clone you? :-D
This entry was originally posted at
http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1159025.html. You can comment here or there.