The story that began with this little series...
A Wink...Nothing Could Possib-lie Go Wrong (Summer)
Places One Doesn't Go (Winter)
At Home (Spring)
Sight and Sense (Autumn) completed
here on Patreon.
The man glared at Summer through the tilted fence panel. He wasn’t a pleasant-looking man; he had stringy hair and a weedy beard, a greasy, pallid complexion and notable body odor. But he was an important man, at least at the moment. “This is a private party!”
Summer’s cheeks were flushed and she was just about ready to die. She’d gone through this fence before - with her mother, when she was very young, then later with Winter and Autumn, and later still, all five of them together. She’d stepped a little sideways, and… what had gone wrong this time?
She coughed. “Sir, I’m sorry... (
read on...)
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